Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2237 Aren’t you usually reluctant to let your niece be exposed?

A middle-aged man in a suit came out immediately, "Dongting, you're here?"

"Who is this...?"

"My niece." Quan Dongting looked at Chi Enen and introduced elegantly, "Enen, this is Uncle Jin."

"Jin Nan, this is Enen."

"Hello." The middle-aged man, who made people feel friendly at the sight, stretched out his hand to Chi Enen and greeted her with a smile, "I heard your uncle talk about you before, but I didn't expect you to be more beautiful than I imagined."

Chi Enen smiled and stretched out her hand to shake hands with him.

Quan Dongting came today to give Jin Nan face, and also to discuss business with Jin Nan. He was afraid that Chi Enen would be too bored standing here, so after the two of them greeted each other, he turned his head and said to Chi Enen, "Okay, Enen, go to the side and eat something and wait for me. Your uncle Jin Nan and I have something to talk about."


Chi Enen nodded, smiled politely at Jin Nan, let go of the hand holding Quan Dongting's arm and walked away...

Jin Nan liked this polite little girl very much, and watched Chi Enen walk away and said, "Don't you usually feel reluctant to bring your niece out? Why are you willing to bring someone out today? Aren't you forced to get married by the old lady again?"

It has to be said that everyone knows the character of old lady Habsden very well.

Quan Dongting was overwhelmed when he heard the word "forced marriage". His brown eyes were filled with a mature charm that a man in his twenties did not have. He rubbed his temple helplessly and said, "No."

"Don't lie to me, I don't know? No? No, you would bring your niece who is hidden in your house to help you out?" Jin Nan had a good relationship with him, and smiled and patted his shoulder, "I remember your niece seemed to get married a few days ago, right?"

"Your niece is married, no wonder the old lady is so anxious. You should bring one back. Otherwise, you will be uncomfortable being urged by the old lady all the time?"

"There is no suitable candidate..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jin Nan speechlessly, "Don't come on, you have so many confidantes, isn't it easy to find a good woman?"

Quan Dongting was silent for a while.

I don't know how to tell him.

Before Enen's wedding, he did think about finding an obedient woman to marry home to reassure the old lady. But after experiencing Enen's wedding, he suddenly changed his mind.

It's easy to find a well-behaved and obedient woman, but such a life is too boring.

Quan Dongting doesn't want to share too much of his private life with others, even with good friends. He calmly changed the subject, "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about the cooperation we talked about on the phone last time. Last time I told you my idea, what do you think?"

Jin Nan is a person with high emotional intelligence, otherwise he wouldn't be Quan Dongting's friend. The two quickly pulled away from the small talk and talked about business...

This time Jin Nan held a charity banquet. Now the banquet has not started, but most of the celebrities have arrived.

For charity banquets like this, the organizers usually invite celebrities to participate in order to attract exposure and attention. This time is no exception. With Jin Nan's reputation and status, many celebrities came to support him. That's why so many media reporters gathered outside and laid a red carpet.

Where there are stars, there are spotlights, and where there are spotlights, there are competitions.

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