Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2238 Meeting an unexpected person

This charity dinner came to a lot of female celebrities, from A-listers to popular celebrities, all of them were dressed up and dressed up, eager to become the focus of the audience.

The reason why they work so hard is to avoid being "overshadowed" by other female stars in subsequent drafts.

Secondly, at celebrity gatherings like this, many rich and powerful men usually come, and they also want to take this opportunity to make more friends with noble people who can help them in their careers.

Therefore, when female celebrities attend these occasions, they always try their best to look concave.

Strive to outshine the crowd and become the most dazzling one among the crowd!

The evening dress Chi Enen wore today was very low-key, and she didn't wear too much makeup. She looked particularly inconspicuous among the women attending the banquet. Because of this, no one noticed her existence. Otherwise, just because of the popularity of the previous wedding, many people would come to chat with her.

Feeling at ease, Chi Enen found a corner where there were relatively few people, picked up a matcha cake and ate it.

Originally, she only had to eat a cake quietly in the corner and drink some water, and then she could leave after Quan Dongting and Jin Nan finished discussing business.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, an accident occurred.

Chi Enen saw someone she didn't expect appearing at the banquet.

The person who appeared in the center of the crowd was completely opposite to her low profile. She was stunningly beautiful in a golden backless dress. Especially that skirt, which happens to be the latest model of VIBIDDE HADE this year. This kind of slender, finale skirt has always been priceless, but when she wore it like this, it was hard for people not to notice it.

But Chi Enen paid attention to her not because of the expensive dress, but because of her face and temperament...

She couldn't explain why, but she always felt that that face made her particularly awkward.

Just as she frowned in thought.

That person also spotted her.

The man's back stiffened at first, showing a bit of hostility and disgust. Then a smile appeared on his face, and after greeting a few female celebrities around him, he got rid of a few people, held up his skirt, and walked towards Chi Enen with high eyebrows...


In a blink of an eye, she walked up to Chi Enen, stopped and stood still.

As she got closer, people could see her appearance more clearly.

Chi Enen's indescribable sense of disobedience became more and more obvious.

She frowned and stared at the face in front of her.

Lin Nai didn't like the way she looked at him very much. A trace of impatience flashed in her eyes, but instead of being impatient, her eyes were more exploring Chi Enen. She took the lead in raising her lips and greeted Chi Enen, "I didn't expect to meet you here. It's such a coincidence."

Chi Enen looked away from her face and wandered over her body for a few seconds without saying a word.

Compared to the last time she saw Lin Nai, in just over a month, Lin Nai had undergone amazing changes. In addition to changing his appearance, his temperament has also changed.

Not only that, Linnai seemed to have become more confident.

She didn't know why. She always felt that Lin Nai's look at her was particularly meaningful, and there was a bit of complacency hidden behind that meaningful look.

She didn't know what Linnai was so proud of.

Her instinct told her that it was best for her not to speak now and see what Linnai wanted to do when he came to her.


After Chi Enen showed indifference and ignored him, the expression on Lin Nai's face almost stopped for a moment. Then, she smiled and suddenly asked with concern, "Well, I read the news on the Internet."

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