"No, it's not what you think. We just had an ordinary disagreement. Okay, baby Chi, it's getting late. You should go to bed. Tomorrow is your first day at school. Don't be late. "Yes." Chi Enen interrupted his speculation and rushed him up from the sofa, "Have you brushed your teeth and rinsed your mouth? Did you drink the milk?"

Chi Baobao shook his head coolly, "I've already taken a shower, brushed my teeth and drank milk. I'm just waiting for you to come back."

He glanced sideways at Chi Enen with his obsidian eyes, jumped off the sofa with enough time, put on his big 'big man' style slippers, and said slowly, "I don't want to care about you and Lao Wang next door. If you don’t want to let it go, you have to handle it yourself.”

He believes that his woman can handle it well, and when his woman cannot handle it, it will not be too late for him to help.

He wasn't going to get in there right now.

He doesn't know anything, what if he makes things worse?

Chi Baobao had already made up his mind. He put his hands on the back of his head and yawned lazily, "I'm going to bed. Good night, woman."

"Good night."

Chi Enen watched him enter the bedroom, closed the bedroom door, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The living room was empty. She stood for a few seconds, thought about it, made a glass of honey water, and walked to the study with it...

"Knock, knock." The door to the study room was closed.

Chi Enen knocked twice before turning the door handle.


The door opened.

It's as bright as day inside.

The man she thought was working seriously was not doing anything. Instead, he was leaning on the leather swivel chair and closing his eyes.

Probably because she had disturbed her, the man who was "resting" on the swivel chair suddenly opened his eyes——

The dark eyes reflected her appearance.

The next second, the hand on the desk was clasped.

But soon, he let go again.

In the blink of an eye, the calmness was restored from the approaching rain.

"I made you a cup of honey water." Chi Enen raised a smile and said softly.

The person sitting on the chair opened the laptop and said expressionlessly, "Put it there."

Chi Enen put the cup on his desk and watched as his attention fell on the laptop, as if he was too busy to pay attention to her.

She stood there and hesitated for a moment, then chose to break the silence, "Li Beijue, tonight I..."

"I have a meeting tonight and I might not go to bed very late. You can go to bed first without waiting for me." The man who was working with his head down didn't even raise his eyelids and interrupted her. It was obvious that he didn't want to talk to her. look.

Chi Enen opened his mouth helplessly, paused, and compromised, "Then I won't disturb you. You go about your business first. I'll wait for you."

The man who was working with his head down finally raised his head. His handsome face was extremely calm, but no matter how you looked at it, he looked like the illusion he was trying to suppress before the volcano erupted. "Don't wait for me, I will be very late. You can sleep with you!"

This is not his normal self at all.

Chi Enen felt as if there was a stone on his chest. She met his eyes with clear eyes and insisted, "I know you will be late, I will wait for you."

After saying that, she didn't give Li Beijue another chance to refuse, and said first, "You go ahead and do your work first, I won't disturb you anymore. I'm going out first. I just made the cup of honey water, the temperature is just right, don't let it cool down." "

Chi Enen didn't care whether he listened or not, he finished what he wanted to say and went out.

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