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After she left, she did not forget to close the door.


The study returned to silence again.

As soon as Chi Enen left, the man sitting at the desk showed an irritable look, and his eagle eyes fell on the computer.

When Chi Enen was there, he seemed very busy, but in fact there was nothing on the laptop. He only opened the document, and there was only one line of words on the blank document, which was what he had just typed.

Chi Enen Chi Enen Chi Enen Chi Enen...

The only line of words was all a name!

Chi Enen!

Li Beijue stared at the three words on the computer, and the flames in his eyes seemed to burn a hole in the three words.

He stared for almost half an hour before he slammed the laptop shut!

Damn it!

Li Beijue's chest rose and fell violently, and he was extremely irritated, and he subconsciously wanted to smash something. When he lifted the object closest to him, he found that it was the mug that Chi Enen had placed on his desk just now.

The blue mug and her rose-red mug were a perfect pair.

They had gone to the supermarket together to pick them out.

Li Beijue's irritability had clearly reached its peak, but he frowned and still couldn't hit it. The hand raised in the air slowly dropped again...

He had no outlet for his irritability and depression.

He punched the wall.

He had injured his hand before in Mauritius. This punch broke the old wound on his hand, and the tendons and bones under the skin and flesh began to ache again.

But he seemed not to feel it, and his thin lips were pursed into a straight line.

He picked up the office phone and made a call.

"Hello, Lord."

"Did I ask you to find out?"

"I'm sorry, Lord, we haven't found out where the young lady went before. We only know that the young lady's car drove outside the Li headquarters, and I don't know why she turned around and drove away."

The voice was Huo Yi!

"One hour, I'll give you one hour at most. I want to know where she went tonight!" His voice was filled with suppressed anger, which was completely different from what he showed in front of Chi Enen.

One hour... Huo Yi's shoulders seemed to be pressed by two mountains. He said in embarrassment, "Sir, I'm afraid that one hour won't be enough to find out the whereabouts of the young lady. Isn't the young lady back? Otherwise, Sir, you can ask the young lady directly. I think if you ask, the young lady will definitely tell you."

In fact, it's a very simple thing. Why didn't Sir ask the young lady directly? Why did he have to check like this?

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Just check it when I asked you to! If you can't find it, roll up your bed and fly to Country S tomorrow!" Li Beijue stood up very angrily and paced back and forth in the study.

Huo Yi on the other end of the phone suddenly wanted to cry but had no tears. After thinking for a while, he suddenly said, "By the way, Sir, didn't the young lady go to that banquet? Did the young lady meet that..."

When he said that, he was vague.

Li Beijue knew what he was talking about, "I don't know."

"If the young lady meets that person, will she misunderstand your relationship with that person? Lord Jue, why don't you tell the young lady first, so that she won't misunderstand."

"There's nothing to say!"

Why tell that woman? He can protect her. Telling her will only scare her.

The doctor had said before that the elevator incident still left a psychological shadow on Chi Enen. This kind of psychological shadow is fine if there is no specific stimulation. If it is stimulated, it may have serious consequences.

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