Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2252 Not in the mood to work at all

If he told that woman that she was surrounded by dangers and that the person behind the scenes, whose identity had not yet been fully investigated, had been trying to kill her, that woman would definitely have wild thoughts given her character. There was nothing wrong at first, but she thought too much and became anxious, and because of fear, it stimulated the psychological shadow left by her before. What should I do if I am depressed?

Since he can solve it, there is no need to tell Chi Enen and make Chi Enen worry!

He is her man and can help her support her life!

She just needs to be her carefree Mrs. Li!

"But Sir, I'm worried about the young lady..."

Li Beijue was particularly strong on this matter and interrupted him, "There's nothing to worry about! We won't encounter such a thing again in the future. I won't let them encounter it again!"

What happened today was an accident.

He didn't expect that Quan Dongting would suddenly ask Chi Enen to come to the rescue because he couldn't find a female companion.

He will spend more time at home in the future, so accidents like this won't happen again.

"Go check it out!"

"Yes, Sir."

The most Huo Yi could do was to persuade him, but he didn't dare to disobey his orders.

Li Beijue hung up the phone and returned to his desk.

He had already told Chi Enen that he would go there very late and there was no way he could go there now. But now, he is not in the mood to work at all!

There was no way he could work calmly!

An indescribable irritation seemed to surge up in his chest again, thinking of him seeing her text message after the meeting, waiting for her for a long time but not seeing her coming, calling her more than a dozen times but not being in the service area. He was so irritated that he wanted to press her down on the bed and ask her where she went this afternoon, who she went to see, why she didn't answer the phone, and why her cell phone was not in the service area...

But he promised Quan Dongting that he would tell her properly.

Before he could control his emotions, he would definitely not be able to tell her properly.

He was afraid that as he talked, he would lose control of himself, just like Quan Dongting said, and hurt her because he was too irritable.

Therefore, before he calmed down completely, it was better not to go to Chi Enen.

Chi Enen didn't know he was calm.

After she came out of the study, she went back to her room. After taking a bath, I lay on the bed and read a book while waiting for him to finish.

But she didn't expect that Li Beijue said it would be later, but it was really that late.

She waited until one o'clock in the morning, but no one came. She couldn't bear it anymore, her eyelids couldn't stop fighting up and down, and she accidentally fell asleep without even noticing...

After Li Beijue finished calming down, it was almost two o'clock in the morning. He finally came out of the study and opened the bedroom door.

Enter the eye.

The bedroom light was still on.

The person on the bed was already asleep.

After finally adjusting his mood, when he saw the peaceful sleeping face of the little woman on the bed, he didn't know why there were signs of recurrence again.

He didn't dare to look any further, picked up his nightgown and walked straight into the bathroom.

The water in the bathroom gurgled.

Chi Enen had been sleeping uneasily, and naturally woke up when he heard the sound of water.

When Li Beijue just came out of the bathroom, she had just woken up and rubbed her eyes. She was still dazed. She looked up at him and said vaguely, "Li Beijue, are you done? What time is it now?"

"Two o'clock in the morning." The man's voice was low, dull and grainy.

Two o'clock.

Chi Enen suddenly became more awake, and suddenly remembered the cold war they had before she fell asleep.

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