Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2253 Chi Enen, are you sure you want me to ask you?

She immediately sat up a little, opened her mouth, and called the man next to her who had lifted the quilt and was about to get into bed, "Li Beijue, I..."

She hasn't finished yet.

was interrupted.

"It's late, go to sleep."

"I have something..." I want to tell you.

The rest of the words were still in her throat, and he had turned off the light in the bedroom.

The whole room suddenly fell into darkness.

Chi Enen couldn't see his expression clearly at the moment, but his voice was still low and hoarse, "Go to sleep."

That tone of voice is as calm as you want it to be.

But this kind of calmness is obviously not what he should be like normally.

Chi Enen even doubted whether he was a masochist. It was obvious that he acted much calmer than usual, but she was not used to this.

The more Li Beijue acted like this, the more she felt like she had been thrown into a frying pan and was suffering.

In the darkness, he could only hear the breathing next to him, and Chi Enen couldn't tell whether he was asleep.

She was silent for a few minutes, then turned over to the other side.

Originally, she thought it would be okay if Li Beijue didn't talk to her.

But when I closed my eyes, I couldn't fall asleep. There was something pressing on her mind, but no matter how much she hypnotized herself, her mind remained clear.

Chi Enen tossed and turned in bed for more than half an hour, but still couldn't help it, so she turned over again and faced the person sleeping next to her.

The moonlight shines in from the window, and the room is not completely dark.

From the extremely close distance between them, she could clearly see the smooth contours of the man, including his high nose, tight thin lips and closed eyes.

You can even see the eyelashes on his eyes clearly...

Chi Enen's eyes roamed his face for a few seconds, and her intuition told her that this man was not asleep!

She is not someone who likes to put things off. When she was tossing and turning just now, she thought a lot. After much deliberation, I decided to explain it to him clearly.

"Li Beijue, I'm sorry about what happened this afternoon. I didn't expect that my mobile phone would have no signal. When I found out, I had already missed your call."

"Also, I'm not actually at my uncle's place. I left first. Originally, I wanted to go find you and ask you something. But halfway through, I suddenly received a phone call."

"Because the incident happened suddenly, I had to go to that friend first. When I arrived, the friend's physical condition was not very good, so I was delayed for a while."

"I know you are angry, you can ask me. In fact, as long as you ask me, I..."

The man who had kept his eyes closed and seemed to be asleep suddenly opened his eyes, turned over, and pressed her under him. He clasped her wrists firmly with both hands, pressed her down on the bed, and stared at her condescendingly. His dark starry eyes were extremely awake, with no sign of falling asleep.

"Chi Enen, are you sure you want me to ask you?"

Chi Enen's wrists were pinned to the bed by him, unable to move. This position made her uncomfortable, but she didn't struggle or twist. After a brief moment of sluggishness, she realized, "Well, it's better for you to ask me than for you to sulk yourself."

"Oh, I'm not angry!"

His eyes were almost on fire, and he emphasized in a gritted voice that he had no credibility.

This is called not angry. What does being angry look like?

"I'll ask you again, Chi Enen, are you sure you want me to ask you?" At this moment, the person who was pressing down on her asked again with stern eyes.

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