Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2280 The first time to participate in a live broadcast program

Lin Anxin didn't notice her little move. He stretched and said to her, "Okay, I'll ask my assistant to buy you a cup of coffee. You can find a chair and sit down later. Drink your coffee and cheer me up."

"OK." Chi Enen looked at her face and said seriously, "Anxin, come on, I believe in you."

Lin Anxin felt warm in her heart. She turned around and gave her a wink, teasing her, "I believe in myself too. I'm so beautiful, there will be no problem."

"Puff." Chi Enen almost choked on her saliva.

"Okay, all departments are ready, take your positions, the recording will start in three minutes. What are you still doing standing there, hurry up and arrange for the audience to sit down. It's about to start, and you're still in a daze!"

After the director finished talking to Lina, he started shouting with the script in his hand.

"Lights, prepare the lights. And the artists are touching up their makeup, hurry up, touch up the hosts."

The recording site became busy all of a sudden.

Under Shanni's arrangement, Chi Enen found a seat near the corner and sat down.

It was her first time to come to the program recording site, and she felt quite novel. At least before today, she had no idea that all the audience at the program site were professional audiences hired by the TV station.

She always thought that these audiences were selected from the loyal audiences of the program in each episode and sent tickets to watch.

It turned out to be completely different.

"Miss Chi, just sit here and watch for a while. I'll go to work first." After Shanni arranged her, she had to run around for Anxin. It was not as easy as she thought to be on a program with very high ratings.

Chi Enen nodded gently, "Okay, go ahead."

Shanni hurriedly went to communicate with the director.

She had to confirm the content of today's recording before the program started to see if there were any questions that Lin Anxin could not answer, so that she could communicate with the host in advance.

Three minutes passed in a flash.

The lights and sound effects were turned on, and several hosts appeared on the stage with singing and dancing. Facing the rotating cameras, they greeted the audience with a smile, "Hello everyone, welcome to our entertainment base. We are the entertainment group. I am..." Several hosts skillfully teased each other, waiting for the venue to heat up. The most popular host immediately stopped the topic and said, "Speaking of movies, we have to talk about the guests invited by our program team this time. Let me tell you, this time the program team is amazing. I didn't expect that I would see these two in the same frame in my lifetime. This is definitely the century's great frame. This episode of our program may become a classic in the future."

"So amazing, who are they?"

"Two movie queens. Let me give you a hint, you guess."

"Okay, okay."

"They are often compared by the media."

"They have both won international movie queen awards."

"They are senior and junior, but they both appeared in the same movie. That movie is still a classic and a big hit at the box office."

After a few hosts pretended to guess, they all said they couldn't guess.

The most popular host immediately smiled and said to the back of the stage, "Let's welcome our movie queens - Lina and Lin Anxin!"

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