Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2281 There is also a common ex-boyfriend

The lights on the stage immediately focused on the two people appearing on stage——

It has to be said that stars are stars, and under the spotlight, they are all extremely beautiful.

This was the first time that Chi Enen felt that Lin Anxin was a female star.

Lin Anxin is so beautiful standing on the stage, with 360-degree beauty. No wonder Si Chen, who was a playboy at the time, would take the initiative to hook up with Anxin.

After the host had a simple interaction with the two, they asked them to say hello to the camera.

When Lin Anxin said hello, he quietly winked at her.

Soon, each of them had a microphone in their hands.

After playing a few mini-games with the host group, the host started chatting and asked about gossip and scandals, "Linna finally came to our show this time, so I had to help our viewers ask the questions they are most concerned about. Yes. I heard that Lina has a boyfriend, is that true? "

"Well." Linna, who was holding the microphone, was actually quite pretty, but she wasn't as aggressively beautiful as Lin Anxin, and was more intellectual. When she is in front of the camera, no one will know that she is the kind of arrogant person who asks people to help her clean the dust on her shoes. "I really can't say this."

"I can't say, does that mean it's true?" The host was so experienced that she couldn't have avoided it by doing Tai Chi.

Lina looked at him angrily, as if she was shy, "Just let me go, I really can't say this."

"Let's talk about movies."

She took the initiative to change the topic, suddenly looked at Lin Anxin aside, smiled and took Lin Anxin's hand and said, "Speaking of which, Anxin and I are really destined. We filmed "The Biography of an Assassin" together before. There is also a particularly wonderful fate.”

She suddenly said this, and the host immediately asked curiously, "What kind of wonderful fate?"

"Can you tell me this?" Linna hesitated and looked at Lin Anxin, as if seeking her opinion.

Lin Anxin was confused by her sudden move. In front of the camera, she couldn't ask questions, so she could only say, "Of course I can."

Linna immediately said, "Then I'll say it. It's actually nothing. In addition to filming the same movie, we also have the same ex-boyfriend."

And the same ex-boyfriend!

She spoke calmly and even had a smile on her face. ,

But everyone present was shocked by her sudden revelation.

Several hosts were dumbfounded and didn't know how to answer the call for a moment. The most senior host reacted quickly and immediately smoothed things over with a smile, "Who is the ex-boyfriend Lina is talking about?"

"It's Mr. Si."

When this revelation came out again, not to mention Lin Anxin, Chi Enen's expression changed.

How could the host let the news go so violently? Several people immediately started asking questions.

It was just to ask when Lin Anxin broke up with Si Chen. Didn't she say in the statement she posted online that her boyfriend was jealous and wouldn't let her and Lu Zhiang work together, so she decided to issue a statement to explain?

Lin Anxin was caught off guard and asked about her privacy. She wanted to stop recording several times, but due to her professionalism, she still endured her anger and awkwardly reconciled in front of the camera.

Fortunately, the intermission time came, and nearly ten minutes of commercials had to be inserted, so the filming was stopped midway.

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