As soon as the show stopped, makeup artists, assistants, etc. gathered around her, retouching makeup and delivering water.

Lina was surrounded by stars in the center of the stage. After arrogantly picking up the water glass and taking a sip of water, she wiped the corners of her mouth in front of the mirror held up by her assistant and looked proudly towards Lin Anxin, Shanni and the others. Go...

"Miss Lin, I asked you. I said it after you said you could. You can't blame me." She walked up to Lin Anxin and the others in a blink of an eye and made a sarcastic comment, "Why, can't you say this?"

Lin Anxin couldn't bear to see her doing disgusting things and pretending to be 13 just to show off, so she coldly retorted, "Can you tell me that Sister Linna doesn't know?"

The sound of sister stimulated Lina so much.

Lina hated being called old. Her beautiful face was almost distorted, but in the blink of an eye, she put on the attitude of a winner again, "Should I know? It's not a big deal. I don't know. It's normal."

"Why did you do that? An Xin and you are not familiar with each other. There must be a reason why you framed An Xin inexplicably, right?" Shanni was furious and asked her.

It was okay if she didn't ask. When she asked, Lina raised the corners of her mouth sarcastically, glanced at Lin Anxin with hostility from the corner of her eyes, and said, "You still pretend to be stupid with me. Why do I do this? Lin Anxin knows best. Yes." She provoked me first, why didn’t she allow me to fight back? "

"I was having a good relationship with Mr. Si back then, but she stepped in and stole my financial backer. This time, the perfume advertisement originally belonged to me, and she asked Mr. Si to step in and steal what originally belonged to me. The advertisement became hers. Why do you think I want to punish her?"

Lina sneered.

"This circle is the most realistic. If she touches my cookies, if I don't deal with her, others will dare to touch my cookies tomorrow. You ask me why I punished her, and I also want to ask Miss Lin for a reason. Ask Why is she staring at me to steal my sponsor? After breaking up with the sponsor, she still wants to steal my advertising as part of the breakup fee. Isn’t this too much?”

She thought Si Chen and Lin Anxin broke up.

In addition to the rumors in the circle, another reason is that this advertisement that originally belonged to her was intercepted and given to Lin Anxin by Si Chen using his own connections.

When she was sent away by Si Chen, Si Chen also compensated her with a lot of resources.

So she thought that advertisement was about Lin Anxin asking for compensation from the scorer.

Linna crossed her arms and said in a bad tone, "I tell you the truth, I just punished you. I'm not afraid of you telling Mr. Si. Sooner or later, you have to pay back if you go out to hang out these days! When you steal my advertising, just You should have thought that I wouldn't let you go. I'm not afraid of you complaining to Mr. Si. It's not like I don't have anyone behind me. The Habsden family is no less powerful than the Si family. I'm not afraid of Mr. Si touching me, let alone you. "

As soon as the Habsdens came out of the house, Chi Enen, who was walking over, was startled.

Could it be that the Habsden family that Linna mentioned was her uncle?

Chi Enen was embarrassed.

Lina happened to see her as well, her eyes becoming more and more dissatisfied, "Oh, as expected, a person with no vision and a person with no future are a perfect match."

She raised her chin at Chi Enen and said contemptuously, "Weren't you unwilling to help me shine my shoes just now? Were you just a little guy? Now you are kneeling on the ground begging me to give you a chance to shine my shoes. I still can't stand it. Just hang out with a little star who is destined to fade away!"

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