At first, Lin Anxin looked coldly at Lina showing off her power in front of her. After hearing her last words, she was stunned for a moment and looked at her in disbelief, "You asked Enen to shine your shoes?"

Is this woman sick?

Lina had finished speaking and turned to leave, but suddenly she heard her voice and stopped. He turned around again, folded his hands on his chest, raised his eyebrows, looked at her and said, "Why, she is still your friend? No wonder she is so blind."

"So what if I asked her to wipe it?" She said with an arrogant attitude, "Lin Anxin, did you not hear clearly what I just said? I don't mind saying it again. Whoever comes out to hang out these days has no background, It's foolish for you to think that you can do whatever you want in the entertainment industry just by relying on Si Chen. Let me tell you clearly. I'm not afraid of Si Chen, let alone you. Oh, look. Who's wrong, why should I be friends with you, a little star who is destined to fade away? She still works in a TV station, right? "

Linna looked at Chi Enen with disgust, and became even more disgusted. "Unfortunately, I have a good relationship with the director of this TV station. Let your friend change his job tomorrow. It's better to leave by yourself than to be beaten by others." Get rid of it to look good."

Lin An laughed angrily and sneered.

However, Linna misunderstood what she meant and thought that Lin Anxin was provoking her and continued, "I don't have time to waste time with you here. I have said everything that needs to be said. I will not change my mind. I said After that, she is begging me to help me shine her shoes, but I don’t want to. Just enjoy her last day at the TV station with your friend.”

"Are you sick?" Lin Anxin still couldn't hold it back and shouted, "You asked Enen to clean your shoes? Haha, who do you think you are?"

Lina didn't expect that Lin Anxin had suffered a big loss and dared to offend her in front of so many people. While she was annoyed that Lin Anxin was ignorant, her eyes also turned cold and she glanced at Chi Enen with contempt, " I don't think of who I am, I'm just one of you who is not even qualified to clean my shoes! What's wrong with me asking her to clean my shoes? I also told you that if I want her to do it, she can just do it for me! I'm just too lazy to let her wipe it. Don't dirty my new brand-name limited-edition shoes."

She has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and the friends and men around her are either rich or noble.

Now that she has climbed to the top of a super wealthy family, forcing a small TV station staff member to clean her shoes is just a matter of words.

Isn't he just a small staff member of the TV station? Fortunately, Lin Anxin is there to make noises.

After Lina finished speaking, she was just about to lift her legs and continue recording the program when she heard a bang and the door of the recording studio was pushed open forcefully——

Immediately afterwards, a dozen well-trained bodyguards in black quickly stood in two rows and walked in surrounded by the man in the middle.

The man was dressed in a simple black coat and black trousers, which made him look domineering and noble. With a height of more than 1.8 meters, he stood out from the crowd in the small video studio. The noble aura around him was just like that. It can make people see that he has an extraordinary status.

The arrogant man's eyes wandered around the video studio and landed on Chi Enen. He suddenly tightened his grip, as if he wanted to suck her in, and walked towards her with his long legs -

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