Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2285 The important thing is that she is Mrs. Li!

Li Beijue gave her a cold look and said, "It doesn't matter whether she is the daughter of Habsden. What matters is that she is Mrs. Li!"

"You asked my woman to shine your shoes, but I think you don't want that foot anymore!"

Lina trembled all over and murmured in panic, "I don't know... I don't know she is..."

She didn't know that this inconspicuous little staff member was Chi Enen. She had to know that it was too late to please, how could she let Chi Enen clean her shoes? It's not like she's crazy.

"You know now?"

"I understand. Mr. Li, I can apologize." Lina seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. She didn't care whether Lin Anxin would see her embarrassed side, and immediately bowed to Chi Enen, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Li, I didn't know you were..."


Just as Chi Enen said a word, someone pulled her wrist violently and pulled her into the man's arms. She was suddenly glared at by the arrogant man, as if he hated iron.

Why was he staring at her?

Chi Enen gave him a confused look without knowing what was going on.

Li Beijue's fingers suddenly tightened his grip on her wrist, and his eagle eyes seemed to be eating her up, almost making a hole in his eyes.

Damn it, this woman is pretending to be innocent with him!

Others have bullied her like that, should she still forgive them?

Li Beijue's breathing was not smooth and became much heavier.

Chi Enen's hand bones hurt from being squeezed by him, and she couldn't shake him off. She couldn't understand what he was glaring at, and she was extremely depressed.

If she knew that Li Beijue was angry with her for easily 'forgiving' what Lina had done. She must be so aggrieved that she would jump up.

She was just interrupted by Li Beijue. He clearly wanted to say, ‘You don’t need to apologize to me, you should apologize to An Xin’.

She was just forcibly interrupted by him!

"Chi Enen, are you an idiot?" Li Beijue saw that she was still confused. After roaring in her ear, he looked at Linna with cruel eyes, as if he wanted to vent the fire in his chest to Linna. Na said, "You don't need to pretend to apologize here. I told you that you don't need to be in the entertainment industry anymore."

"Mr. Li..." Linna felt as if the sky was falling, and her vision went dark.

As soon as she took a step forward to plead for mercy, the director of the show came over and said, "Sister Linna, Miss An Xin, the show is about to continue. The director said it's almost time to go over and prepare for recording."

Lina hasn't spoken yet.

The arrogant man has already spoken, "Tell your directors not to let her appear in the remaining shows." If she wants to be banned, of course she must be banned now!

Who asked her to ask Chi Enen to clean her shoes?

He wanted to see how amazing her background was and how powerful she was. She dared to ask Chi Enen to clean her shoes!

"Uh..." The director was startled.

He heard the argument going on here, but he didn't hear clearly what was being argued about.

As soon as Li Beijue said these words, he was completely stunned.

"What are you still doing standing here? Go quickly!"

"Okay, okay."

There was an irresistible sense of pressure on Li Beijue, and the director subconsciously obeyed and ran to find the director...

He whispered in the director's ear, and the director looked over.

He frowned at first, then looked at the distinguished man in embarrassment, said something to the director, and walked over here.

"Li Beijue, please let go of your hand first. It's so hot." Chi Enen took the opportunity to twist his wrist, which was almost sweating from his grip.

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