Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2286 So you want to tell me that you are blind?

"I don't!" So overbearing!

He did what he said. Not only did he not let go of Chi Enen's hand, he also held it tighter, almost holding Chi Enen firmly in his arms. Completely ignoring the presence of so many people in the studio, so possessive!

"Li Beijue." Chi Enen was depressed and helpless. She glared at him and stretched out her hand to grab his hand.

As a result, his big hands were gripping her like iron vices, and she couldn't let go at all.

After trying hard for a while, she gave up and resigned herself to letting him grab her left hand.

at this time.

The director came over.

While laughing, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded and said to Li Beijue, "Young Master Li, what brought you here? I didn't even see you just now."

"So you want to tell me that you are blind?" He did not give the director any face.

The director's polite words were stuck in his throat, and he didn't know how to answer them.

Chi Enen felt embarrassed for him.

He quietly bumped the man next to him with his elbow to tell him not to anger innocent people.

"Hmm." Li Beijue frowned and almost groaned. But he quickly relaxed his eyebrows, and Chi Enen didn't even notice his small change at that moment.

"She doesn't need to record this episode of the program." Li Beijue still gave Chi Enen face, and said directly without embarrassing the director.

The director's forehead was covered with sweat. He didn't know whether it was because the air conditioner in the studio was turned on too high or because he was nervous. As soon as Li Beijue's words came out, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a sorry smile, "Young Master Li, I'm afraid... this is a little difficult."

Before Li Beijue could get angry, he said first, "It's not that I don't want to, it's mainly because our program is a live broadcast. It has been broadcast before, so it is not good to change people temporarily. Moreover, even if I want to change, there are only three days left before the start. Minutes are running out, and I can’t find anyone to replace me for a while..."

"I'll take your place."

The director's words were interrupted. He was stunned for a moment, then asked as if his jaw was about to drop, "Li, Mr. Li? You said... you said you..."

Chi Enen was pulled by him. The arrogant man didn't even move his eyebrows. He said forcefully and dignifiedly, "Chi Enen and I will take our place. How about it?"

"..." Chi Enen suddenly looked up at the arbitrary man, really wanting to give him a slap. He should at least ask her for her opinion.

The director's jaw really dropped. He looked at them stammering and said, "Yes, of course. Mr. Li is willing, of course not, no problem!"

He is Li Beijue!

The man who is ranked number one among women around the world.

He is also a man that even the financial media cannot interview.

If their program could interview this man, he could imagine how many times the program would be played.

This is a rare opportunity.

Even if you beat him to death, he won't let go!

The director was afraid that he would regret it, so he immediately trotted over to make arrangements, "Lighting! Makeup artist, no, no, stylist, hurry up..."

"Young Master Li, don't worry about it. Let's get Mrs. Li's hair done. There are still two minutes left. Hurry."

"Everyone else, please go to your places."

Lin Anxin didn't expect that things would develop like this. While shocked, she once again refreshed her understanding of Li Beijue's overbearing protection.

She adapted quickly, and immediately patted Chi Enen on the shoulder, smiling heartlessly, "I'll go, I'm really drunk today. In the first half, you watched me in the audience, and in the second half, I was in the audience. Look at you. Awesome! Well, behave well later, I’ll cheer you on.”

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