Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2289 Of course it’s because she’s pretty

The host handed the microphone to Chi Enen instead of him at the beginning, because they were afraid that he would not give face. They did not expect Li Beijue to answer it on his own initiative. In addition to being surprised, they quickly asked, "Is Mr. Li pursuing Mrs. Li? Is it love at first sight?"

Li Beijue frowned, glanced at the little woman beside him, and touched his thin lips, "It can be said."

When he first saw this woman, he always felt inexplicably pleasing to the eye.

This should also be considered love at first sight.

The female host was particularly excited and immediately asked, "Is Mr. Li really in love with Mrs. Li at first sight? What was the situation when he met Mrs. Li? Why did you fall in love with Mrs. Li at first sight?"

Chi Enen was facing the camera, and she was particularly uncomfortable.

When she heard the female host's question, she grabbed the man's wrist reflexively, fearing that he would bluntly say that he was drugged.

Li Beijue felt her slightly cool touch on his wrist skin, and that coolness greatly relieved the burning temperature of his skin.

However, the flames in his lower abdomen suddenly jumped up.

His dark eyes sank, he clenched his fists, and forcibly suppressed his gradually heavy breathing, and glanced at Chi Enen with a dark look.


They were recording a program, and she didn't forget to seduce him!

The blood in his body was about to burst and explode. If she came closer, he couldn't guarantee that he would leave these people behind halfway and drag her to the nearest hotel, so that she couldn't get out of bed.

Li Beijue had to suppress the flames in his body, and naturally showed some impatience with the host's idiotic questions, "Why do you fall in love at first sight, because she is beautiful."

...Why do you fall in love at first sight, because she is beautiful.

He said it as a matter of course, and it turned into surprise when heard by others.

They all looked at Chi Enen in surprise.

Chi Enen is indeed beautiful now, but they remember that the photos of Chi Enen that were exposed before were not particularly stunning.

It's just the appearance of an ordinary girl who hasn't grown up yet.

Chi Enen's plain appearance can be found in a lot of universities.

This kind of ordinary appearance that can't be more ordinary actually captured the man that women all over the world want to marry the most, and made this man fall in love at first sight. Isn't this too magical?

It's so magical that even the host doesn't believe it's just that simple.

However, the fact is so simple. Li Beijue just thinks Chi Enen is beautiful. In his eyes, no woman is more beautiful than Chi Enen!

"Haha, Mr. Li's answer is too straightforward." After the female host laughed and made a round, she was really curious and handed the microphone to Chi Enen, "Mr. Li fell in love with Mrs. Li at first sight, and it was Mr. Li who pursued Mrs. Li first. Didn't Mrs. Li like Mr. Li at the beginning? No way. Mr. Li is the first in the list of men that women all over the world want to marry every year in the website vote. In the hearts of many girls, Mr. Li is like a prince charming. Mrs. Li didn't fall in love with Mr. Li at first sight? I am very curious about what Mrs. Li was thinking when she saw Mr. Li for the first time?"

She asked half-jokingly and half-curiously, which was both gossipy and not offensive.

What was Chi Enen thinking when she saw him for the first time?

The handsome man turned his head and fixed his dark eyes on her, clearly caring about the answer to this question.

Now Chi Enen had to answer.

She took the microphone handed over by the host, frowned at the camera, and looked away. She always felt a little uncomfortable being in front of the camera.

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