Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2290 Li Beijue, you really have a fever

Chi Enen pursed her lips, not looking at the camera hanging in the air, and tried to keep her eyes on the hosts, just as if she was chatting with friends.

"... I didn't seem to think of anything at the time."

She was drugged at the time, and her mind was blank, so she couldn't think of anything.

The female host didn't give up, "What happened later? How did Mrs. Li fall in love with Mr. Li? Can you share it?"

"This..." Chi Enen still didn't like to share her privacy with strangers in front of the camera, but since she was here, she wasn't so hypocritical, "Actually, there's nothing to share, I just fell in love with her slowly. I think it's easy for any girl to like Li Beijue."

Let alone Li Beijue's various diamond rings, airplanes, and travel sugar-coated bullets at that time, it was hard to refuse him just because of him.

What's more, this high-ranking man once moved to a resettlement community for her to live for a while, and the reason he gave up so many villas and luxurious presidential suites in five-star hotels and lived next door to her house was just to spend more time with her.

This kind of man, this kind of love, who can refuse it?

Not to mention, he was so domineering from the beginning that he never gave her a chance to refuse!

She was just threatened at first and couldn't refuse, but later she slowly fell...

The female host took a peek at Li Beijue and agreed with him, "Indeed, it is easy for any girl to like Mr. Li. So Mrs. Li is really lucky. The person she likes also likes you, and finally they walked into the palace of marriage together. Just think about it, it feels like a modern fairy tale."

Chi Enen smiled and didn't comment on her words.

She knew that the female host misunderstood what she meant by "it's easy" to like Li Beijue.

She said it was easy not because of the appearance of this man, so it's easy to like him. But after being really liked by this man, it's hard to resist liking him!

The program was not long, and the hosts were also very restrained. The questions they asked were all standard, and there were no particularly excessive questions that exceeded the bottom line.

It is estimated that they had heard about someone's temper a long time ago, and they didn't dare to ask questions like the stars.

So during the half-hour recording of the program, the host basically focused on how they started dating, where they went on their first date, what they liked most about each other, and what they thought could be improved.

Soon, half an hour passed.

The program was recorded.

As soon as the director called it over.

Chi Enen stood up from the sofa and immediately stretched out her hand to the forehead of the man next to her-

As soon as her palm touched the man's full and smooth forehead, she immediately shrank.

It's so hot.

How could it be so hot?

Could it be...

Chi Enen's heart skipped a beat, and she asked anxiously, "Li Beijue, are you having a fever?"

"No." He didn't have a fever, and his body temperature was higher than normal, which was just one of the side effects of Z-11.

"Why is your forehead so hot if you don't have a fever?" Chi Enen didn't believe it at all, and reached out to pull him, "Li Beijue, let's go to the hospital."

He definitely had a fever!

How could a normal human body temperature be so high?

Li Beijue was dragged by her, and he actually gave her face and did not resist, and was dragged all the way out of the studio...

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