Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2291 Li Beijue, you have a fever!

Lin Anxin was greeting Huo Yi. When she saw Chi Enen dragging Li Beijue out, she asked strangely, "Enen, what are you doing, are you leaving? I also said I would treat you and Mr. Li to a meal later."

"Well, he has a slight fever. I'll take him to the hospital to see a doctor."

"Young Master Li has a fever?" Lin Anxin was extremely surprised. She looked up at Li Beijue and said, "No wonder I think Young Master Li looks a little pale today..."

She likes to make trouble but is not a person who likes to fool around. She immediately said, "Then you can leave first and we will have dinner together another day. I will call you then."


Chi Enen grabbed the hand of the man next to him and said softly, "Let's go."

Huo Yi also bowed down to Lin Anxin like a gentleman and said politely, "Ms. Lin, I'm leaving first. Goodbye."


Chi Enen grabbed the tall and handsome man's hand and walked out of the TV station.

When the driver saw them coming out, he immediately opened the door.

"Young Madam."


Chi Enen got in the car first, urging the man behind him.

The distinguished man raised his long legs and immediately got into the car.

After the driver closed the door for them, he immediately walked around to the front driver's seat and started the car. "Sir, Madam, shall we go back to Country Garden now?"

"Go to the hospital."

"Go back to Country Garden."

Two people gave completely different answers.

The driver was startled and asked sarcastically, "Um... Sir?"

"go back!"

The man she had dragged out of the video studio finally spoke, his voice hoarse. But that proud and handsome face is still as perfect and dazzling as ever.

The driver didn't dare to ask any more questions and immediately turned the car around and drove towards Country Garden...

Chi Enen watched helplessly as the car drove smoothly in the opposite direction to the hospital. She raised her eyebrows in disapproval, looked at the domineering man beside her and said, "Li Beijue, you have a fever!"

The domineering man directly grabbed her hand and pressed her down on the seat, "I didn't, you thought I had a fever!"

Chi Enen has never seen someone so stubborn in his denial, "You don't have a fever, why is your forehead so hot?"

"...The air conditioner blows the air." He looked away and stopped talking, just not admitting it.

Chi Enen exposed his lie mercilessly, "You have been very hot since before you entered the studio. It has nothing to do with the air conditioner. I also turned on the air conditioner. Why is my forehead not so hot?"

"Li Beijue, you just have a fever. Let the doctor take a look and give you an infusion. Why don't you go to the hospital?"

The more he refused to go to the hospital, the more Chi Enen couldn't figure it out.

"Because I don't like hospitals, and I don't want to smell the smell of hospital disinfectant!" If another person had chased him and refused to let him go, he would have asked the driver to stop the car and dumped him.

But this person was Chi Enen, and no matter how irritated Li Beijue was, he still endured it.

"Okay, I'm not going to the hospital anyway, whatever you say."

True to his word, he leaned directly on the backrest and closed his eyes...

A look of 'non-violence' and non-cooperation.

No matter how angry or depressed Chi Enen was, there was nothing he could do with him acting like he didn't listen and ignore her.

The car drove smoothly all the way to the downstairs of Country Garden.

Return to the mansion.

Chi Enen didn't say a word, just went in and walked to the room.

Li Beijue had a sullen face. When he saw that she ignored him and walked away, his face became more and more ugly. He raised his foot and kicked over the trash can at his feet in annoyance.

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