Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2296 Agree to go to the hospital

Li Beijue was about to crush her hand bones, and his sharp eyes fell on her, as if he wanted to eat her!

Chi Enen let him glare openly. What she was best at was keeping her composure.

No matter how the man in front of her looked at him, she always had that 'I've decided' expression and calmly let him see it.

As for what she was thinking, only Chi Enen herself knew.

Li Beijue stared at her for a full minute before Chi Enen said, "How about it, do you go to the hospital or should I go to my uncle's place?"

Li Beijue's heart once again felt as if it was being held by someone. He had difficulty breathing and was tightly controlled.

Damn it, this woman actually threatened him!

He hates people threatening him the most. If it had been anyone else, he would have let that person know why the flowers were so red! But this person happened to be Chi Enen...

Seeing that his handsome face was livid, Chi Enen was so angry that his voice softened slightly, and he reached out to touch his arm and said, "Li Beijue, your wounds have collapsed. You must go to the hospital and let the doctor bandage you again. Still. Yes, I don’t know why you were injured, but the wound keeps bleeding, and I’m really worried that your wound may be inflamed. Just go to the hospital, okay?”


Just because she said the word "worry", the suffocating feeling of his heart being held was mostly gone in an instant.

Li Beijue knew clearly that she was cunningly using the method of 'hit him with a stick and give him a sweet date', but he had to admit that he couldn't refuse this sweet date.

His tense back relaxed a little, and his shoulder with a collapsed wound actually didn't hurt at all, because under the influence of the military Z-11, his pain nerves had long been paralyzed. If Chi Enen hadn't touched the blood outside his bandage, he wouldn't have known that the wound had been opened.

damn it!

Li Beijue narrowed his eyes and pursed his thin lips into a straight line, "I'm going to the hospital."

Did he agree? Chi Enen's eyes lit up.

Then, I heard the man's hoarse and low voice, "But let's agree first that when I ask the doctor to look at me, you can't follow me in. You just wait outside with Huo Yi for me to come out."

Now that she had discovered his injury, there was no need to hide it anymore.

But at least she can't find out that he suffered a gunshot wound again, otherwise she will be more worried and think more.

He just wanted her to be safe and happy as his Mrs. Li, and he didn't want her to be worried.

"This is my bottom line. If you don't agree, I won't go to the hospital. I won't let you go to Quan Dongting. At worst, I'll lock you up and you lose your temper with me." What he said was called a He is domineering and powerful, as if illegally imprisoning others is not a problem for him.

Chi Enen looked into his dark eyes and knew that he had said so and would definitely not give in anymore. Anyway, her main purpose was to get him to the hospital to get his bandages changed, and nothing else mattered. She pondered for a moment and said, "I don't have to go in with you, but you have to ask the doctor to check you again and help you reapply medicine and change bandages..."

As soon as she finished speaking, her wrist was pulled violently, and she fell towards him unexpectedly. At the same time, the man with dark eyes lowered his head and sealed her red lips accurately.

A domineering kiss fell, as if to punish her for the threat just now, sucking the sweetness out of her mouth until she couldn't breathe anymore, then he let her go and said viciously, "Chi Enen, come on. Let’s talk properly once and don’t threaten me with breaking up or quarreling!”

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