Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2297 Chi Enen directly asked about Lin Nai

Chi Enen grimaced at the bite and was extremely depressed.

It seemed like he was threatening her from the beginning to the end, and she only threatened her in the end.

Li Beijue didn't give her a chance to argue at all. He let go of her shoulders and called toward the kitchen, "Huo Yi."

The person who had been collecting water in the kitchen for more than ten minutes and had not yet come out immediately came out and quickly walked up to Li Beijue, "What are your orders, Sir?"

"Prepare the car."

Huo Yi heard the quarrel between the two of them in the kitchen just now, and also heard how Chi Enen was able to overpower the domineering man and force him to agree to go to the hospital.

At this moment, he gave Chi Enen a thumbs up in his mind, but he did not dare to show it in front of Li Beijue. Showing his admiration for the young lady in front of the Lord was definitely seeking death!

He bent down and whispered, "Yes, sir."

After he finished speaking, he went to get ready.

Half an hour later.

The black Bentley drove quietly to the entrance of the military hospital, and the tall man got out of the car first.

Immediately afterwards, Chi Enen and Huo Yi also got out of the car.

Walk all the way through the corridor and go straight to the specialist's consultation room.

Then Chi Enen was locked out.

"Young Madam, please drink a cup of hot water. The Lord may not come out for a while." Huo Yi took a cup of hot water from the other side and handed it to her.

Chi Enen took it and smiled slightly, "Thank you."

She held the hot cup in her hands, and her whole body felt much warmer.

Huo Yi led her to sit on a chair outside the ward to rest, and said, "Don't worry, young lady, the Lord is just doing a simple secondary bandage inside, and will be out soon. You can sit here first." wait a moment."

"Steward Huo." Chi Enen took a sip of water, suddenly put down the cup, and looked at him seriously, "Can you tell me how he was injured?"

"This..." Huo Yi looked embarrassed.

Chi Enen knew what he was in trouble for, "If you don't tell me, can't you tell me?"

Huo Yi's back was tense and he wanted to tell her, but he really didn't dare to say it without Li Beijue's order. He lowered his head with guilt on his face and avoided Chi Enen's gaze, "I'm sorry, young lady."

Chi Enen was disappointed, but she didn't embarrass him and insisted on him talking.

She held the water glass in her hands, slowly lowered her head, and suddenly said, "I know, then I won't ask you this. I'll ask you something else, okay?"

Seeing her unable to conceal her disappointment, Huo Yi felt even more guilty. He really didn't dare to tell the young lady without the Lord's order. Otherwise, if anything happens to the young lady, he won't be able to bear the consequences. But for the rest, he must have said everything he knew, "Of course. Madam, please ask."

"What's going on with Li Beijue and Lin Nai?"

What's going on with Li Beijue and Lin Nai!

As soon as these words came out, cold sweat broke out on Huo Yi's forehead...

He instantly wanted to bite off his tongue.

He took back what he just knew and said everything he knew.

"Young Madam, what you said..." For a moment, he didn't know how to deal with it.

Chi Enen got ahead of him and said calmly, "I went to Li's headquarters today and met a few people who talked about what happened this morning. They said that someone who looked very similar to me went to Li's headquarters this morning. The company's headquarters came to Li Beijue, and not long after, Li Beijue left the company with that person. If my guess is correct, the person they said looked similar to me should be Lin Nai. "

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