Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2298 Who bought that skirt?

"Lin Nai came to the Li headquarters to find Li Beijue, and then the two of them went out together. Then, Li Beijue was inexplicably injured..."

Chi Enen said, frowning slightly.

She didn't believe that these two things were not related at all!

"I'm not asking you how Li Beijue was injured, I just want to know what happened between Li Beijue and Lin Nai?"

A layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on Huo Yi's forehead, and he had no idea how to deal with it. He was caught off guard by Chi Enen's sudden question. He had never expected that Chi Enen had really heard those people gossiping this morning. "Young Madam, maybe it's a misunderstanding. They may not be talking about Miss Lin..."

"I didn't ask you just because I happened to run into a few people gossiping together this morning. In fact, I wanted to ask Li Beijue yesterday." Chi Enen didn't hide it from him and said directly, "Yesterday I went to a charity dinner, and Lin Nai also went. She found me and told me that she had been with Li Beijue these days, and said that the evening dress she wore to the dinner was also given to her by Li Beijue."

Huo Yi didn't expect Lin Nai to be so bold that he really dared to ignore the warning of the Lord and ran to find the young lady.

He suddenly understood why Lin Nai was thrown out of the banquet before the charity dinner started.

It wasn't because of others, it was the young lady who threw her out!

Not only did he start to sweat on his forehead, but also on his back.

What should I do now?

If he didn't say anything, the young lady would definitely misunderstand that the Lord had a special relationship with Lin Nai. But in fact, the Lord had nothing to do with that woman.

The Lord just wanted to use that woman as a substitute for the young lady to lure the snake out of the hole.

As for the charity dinner that the young lady mentioned, it was not what the young lady thought at all. The situation at that time was that Linnai kept running to pester the Lord about the charity dinner. The Lord was annoyed by her, so in order to get her to go away, he asked someone to prepare an invitation for the dinner for her.

The skirt was not given to Linnai by the Lord, but Linnai ran to him with the invitation. He thought that Linnai's invitation was given by the Lord, so he let the woman choose a skirt in the nearest commercial street.

He didn't expect that Linnai would run to the young lady in that skirt and say something, and he had the nerve to say that her skirt was given to her by the Lord.

Huo Yi now regretted that he agreed to let her choose a skirt at that time.

He opened his mouth, anxious, and didn't know how to explain. He only squeezed out a sentence dryly, "Madam, please don't misunderstand. The Lord and Miss Lin don't have that kind of relationship. Miss Lin is talking nonsense."

"That skirt... was not bought by the Lord for her. She asked me for it. I..."

"So, Li Beijue has been with her these days?" Chi Enen grasped the key point and hit the nail on the head!

Huo Yi's explanation suddenly stopped, his face full of tension and fear that the more he explained, the more confusing it would be. "Madam, the Lord and Miss Lin really don't have the kind of relationship you think..."

"I know they are not the kind of relationship that Lin Nai said." Chi Enen said calmly, "I didn't believe Lin Nai's words. I just want to know why they stayed together these days and what Li Beijue is hiding from me."

What exactly is he doing from her during this period of time?

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