Chi Enen gave him a very calm look, "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Os was taken away.

The mayor, who was slumped in his position, was also taken away.

A good signing ceremony ended with a slap in the face.

As soon as the two important protagonists left, the reporters only aimed their long guns and short guns at Chi Enen——

"Ms. Chi, why do you have so much evidence in your hand? Did you know that the Aos Group was unfair competition from the beginning?"

"Ms. Chi, can you reveal the identity of the woman in the recording?"

"Ms. Chi, did you plan in advance to come forward at such a critical moment, or did you obtain the evidence temporarily to cooperate with the prosecution?"

"Ms. Chi, is your coming forward this time related to the conflict between the Os Group and the Li family chaebol some time ago?"

"Ms. Chi, did you report to the prosecutor using your real name as Ryan's representative or as the wife of the president of Li's chaebol?"

"Ms. Chi, there are rumors on the Internet that Mr. Li has a close relationship with a certain female star. It is said that Mr. Li has bought gifts for the female star many times and even booked a presidential suite for her in a five-star hotel. Please tell me. Is this true?" The questioner was a female reporter. Unlike other reporters who asked questions about this breaking news, she stared at Chi Enen with burning eyes and handed the microphone to the front. Asked an eccentric question.

Chi Enen was about to leave under the escort of his bodyguards. When he heard the question she raised loudly, he stopped and glanced in her direction.

The female reporter's pretty short hair showed that she was a strong woman. When she saw Chi Enen looking over, she showed no fear at all. She continued to squeeze past the bodyguard and handed the microphone to the front, "Ms. Chi, may I ask the question just now? Really?"

"Where did you hear that?" Chi Enen actually spoke to her with dignity.

The female reporter was very excited, "'s not convenient for me to reveal it. But I can guarantee that the credibility of the news is very high because Mr. Li booked a presidential suite for that little star in a five-star hotel for a long time. Miss Chi doesn't know This matter?"

Chi Enen glanced at her and said, "So what if I know, so what if I don't know?"

Just as the female reporter was about to speak, Chi Enen interrupted her, "I know."

"Miss Chi..."

"Because that person is my cousin, and I asked him to book the room for me. Can't you?"

The female reporter was startled when she thought she would get such an answer, and she opened her mouth, "No, no, it's impossible..."

Chi Enen ignored her at all, looked away, and said to Haas beside him, "Haas, let's go."

"Yes, Miss."

The reporters swarmed up and pushed away the female reporter who first squeezed in front of her. However, the bodyguards of the Habsden family were not vegetarians and firmly blocked the reporters who came to interview them. .

In the blink of an eye, Chi Enen had safely walked out of the conference building. Surrounded by a burst of noise, she had just walked out and was about to walk towards the parking lot.

A black stretched Lincoln had stopped in front of her, and the window rolled down, revealing the man's handsome side face——

That upright nose bridge, sharp and smooth contours, every inch is like a masterpiece of God. Who is this man, if not Li Beijue, who should be at home!

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