Why is he here?

Chi Enen's heart skipped a beat.

The whole thing missed a beat.

The reporters surrounding her were still asking, "Ms. Chi, did you know in advance about the unfair competition of the Aos Group?"

"Will you speak in court then?"

"How did you get that key recording?"

"Miss Chi, can you answer us?"

"Representative Ryan, could you please answer us?"

"Disclose it."


There was a lot of noise behind Chi Enen.

But she only heard the deep voice of the man in the Lincoln, "Get in the car."

"Miss, get in the car first." Haas also whispered in her ear, protecting her and opening the car door for her.

Chi Enen had no choice but to get in the car first.

As soon as she got in, Haas immediately closed the door for her.

Huo Yi, who was in charge of driving, stepped on the accelerator and the car drove out surrounded by reporters...


in the car.

The air seemed to be frozen, and the only sound of silence was breathing.

Huo Yi, who was driving in front, would look behind him secretly through the rearview mirror from time to time, looking worried and anxious.

It was so quiet in the car that he felt restless. He finally couldn't help it anymore and broke the silence first, "Young Madam, my lordship just called you, didn't you notice?"

Chi Enen was stunned for a moment.

Li Beijue called her?

She took out her phone and sure enough, there was a missed call on it.

She felt a chill in her heart. It was over. The atmosphere must have been too tense just now. She didn't notice the phone ringing.

"I didn't hear it."

Huo Yi immediately said, "I also think that the young lady did not hear the ringtone of the mobile phone, but the lord is worried and has to come to see the young lady. Just now..."

He was about to tell Chi Enen that they had just rushed through several red lights when he heard the man's low roar, "Shut up! It's so noisy! When did you talk so much?"

Huo Yi immediately closed his mouth and apologized, "I'm sorry, Sir."

Through the rearview mirror, he glanced at Chi Enen more worriedly.

what to do?

According to his many years of experience, Sir Alex would only react when he was extremely angry.

While he was worried about Chi Enen, he had to lament that the young lady was so unexpected that even he was deceived into thinking that the young lady really went to pick up the young master from school.

If the prince hadn't come out of the study early today and found that the young lady was not at home, he called the young master's school and asked the teacher. The teacher said that the young master did not finish school early today.

After checking all the way and finding out the location of the young lady, he might have thought that the young lady went to pick up the young master after school.

Ever since the Lord knew what the young lady was doing, he had been lowering his presence and not daring to ask any more questions. So he still doesn't know where the young lady knew so much, and even single-handedly found the head of the Aos Group, and slapped the Aos Group hard all by herself.

Of course, he felt that the young lady's slap was too handsome and beautiful.

But the lordship seems to care more about the safety of the young lady...

No matter how anxious Huo Yi was, he didn't dare to find another topic to deliberately break the silence in the car. He could only worry in his heart and drive the car faster so that he could get to Country Garden quickly.

Go back early. With the smart young master in the middle, the lord may not be really angry with the young lady...

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