Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2323 I’m angry because she doesn’t care about her own safety

The car drove back to Country Garden very quickly.

Huo Yi had just parked the car and was about to get out to help them open the door when he heard the man's extremely low voice, "Get out!"

Huo Yi was stunned for a moment, glanced at Chi Enen quickly, and said worriedly, "Sir..."

Li Beijue's face was as gloomy as water, and he ordered in a low voice, "Get out!"

Huo Yi was no longer worried about Chi Enen, and he dared not disobey his order, so he could only get out of the car first, looking back every few steps.

After Huo Yi got out, Chi Enen and he were the only two people left in the spacious extended Lincoln.

Chi Enen pursed her lips and waited for him to speak first.

Li Beijue was not a person who could hold his temper. After Huo Yi got out, he immediately grabbed her wrist, his eagle eyes narrowed fiercely, and his fiery eyes almost swallowed her up, gnashing his teeth and saying, "Who asked you to provoke that man alone?"


"Did Quan Dongting ask you to go?" He clenched his fist tightly, as if he wanted to rub Chi Enen into his bones.

Chi Enen's wrist was hurt by his grip, but she just frowned slightly, "I want to go by myself, it has nothing to do with my uncle."

"Why do you want to go? Do you know how dangerous it is?"

Damn it, he just didn't pay attention to her for a while, and she could disappear under his nose! Does he really have to make an iron chain and tie her to him every day, so that she can make him feel a little more at ease?

Chi Enen was not scared by his irritable tone, but raised her chin and asked him calmly, "What about you? Why are you injured?"

The man who was so angry that he was about to explode on the spot just now stiffened his back, turned his head away, avoided her gaze, and said stiffly, "No reason, I accidentally touched it!"

"Accidentally? Why would you accidentally touch it? Since you touched it, what did you do to touch it? Where did you touch it? What did you touch it with?" It would be strange if Chi Enen believed his lies, and directly threw a series of sharp questions to expose him.

Even a three-year-old child would not believe his lies!

"Shit!" Li Beijue's nerves were stretched to a straight line. He leaned over and opened his arms to trap Chi Enen in his chest. He pressed down with full of aggressive breath. His temples were throbbing and squeezed out a low roar, "My injury is your reason for running to find Os alone regardless of the danger?" How did he know how and where he was hit, because the injury on his shoulder was not a bruise! Li Beijue had never been questioned like this by anyone, but this person happened to be Chi Enen! He couldn't hit her, scold her, or bear to leave her. He could only threaten her with gritted teeth! However, it was not the first day that Chi Enen knew him, and Li Beijue's lion roar had no deterrent effect on her. Anyway, she knew that he would not hurt her no matter how angry he was, so she didn't even move her eyebrows to withstand the man's angry roar, and admitted very calmly, "Yes." Li Beijue's heroic eyebrows were almost twisted into a ball of wool, and his eyebrows were furrowed fiercely, almost pinching a fly to death! Chi Enen rushed over before him and continued, "Your injury is the reason why I went to find him! Do you dare to say that the injury on your shoulder has nothing to do with Aos?"

"..."Damn it, where did she know so much?

Li Beijue didn't know that Chi Baobei had hacked into his computer. Chi Enen read what Huo Leiting sent him.

He subconsciously thought that these were all told to Chi Enen by Quan Dongting.

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