Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2327 Know who made that call

Chi Enen nodded, nothing strange at all, "I know, it's almost time for Chi Baobao to be out of school. I'll go pick him up."

Li Beijue immediately said, "Let Huo Yi follow you!"

He was afraid that she would use this as an excuse to go to dangerous places and do dangerous things.

"OK." This time she agreed quickly. Anyway, she was really going to pick up Chi Baobao from school. She glanced at the irritable man with clear eyes, "Aren't you going to leave? Go ahead."

"..." Li Beijue couldn't explain why. Facing her fair face and bright eyes, the awkward feeling in his heart became more and more obvious.

damn it.

He tried his best to suppress the strange feeling and got into the car.

Huo Yi got out of the car and became the driver.

Chi Enen watched Lincoln disappear in front of her before looking away, and said to Huo Yi beside him, "Baby Chi, school is about to be over. It's too late if we don't go there. Let's go first."

"Okay, Miss Chi." Huo Yi followed her and walked towards the school together...

When they passed by, school had just ended.

Chi Baobei, carrying a schoolbag and wearing school uniform, was already standing at the school gate waiting for her.

The little boy was wearing a blue and white school uniform that gave him a youthful feeling. He was standing at the school gate with his head down and playing with his mobile phone. The boy's profile could be vaguely seen and he had already attracted a lot of attention when he grew up and brought disaster to the country and the people. To attract the attention of little girls, many little girls would let out a series of bell-like laughter when they passed by him, trying to attract his attention.

But the little boy was extremely cool and handsome. He lowered his head and concentrated on playing with his mobile phone, as if nothing could attract his attention except his mobile phone.


"Chi baby." Chi Enen's voice came over.

The little boy who had been leaning against the wall at the school gate immediately raised his head. His eyes, which were exactly the same as someone else's, were as beautiful as gems, noble and bright.

After seeing Chi Enen and Huo Yi, the corners of his mouth visibly raised, then he put his phone back into his schoolbag and walked quickly towards Chi Enen.

"I've been waiting for you for ten minutes."

He was obviously very happy that Chi Enen came to pick him up, but he still had to pretend.

"Don't call me by my nickname in school next time."

He is so old and still being called Chi Baobao is so shameless!

He glanced around and then asked, "Where's Mr. Wang next door? Didn't Mr. Wang next door come with you?"

"He has something to do and is out." Chi Enen knew who made the call, and Li Beijue's reaction told her that the call was from Lin Nai.

As for the means Lin Nai used to let Li Beijue pass, she didn't know.

She knew it, she just didn't show it.

"Oh." Li Beijue has been very busy. Chi Baobao didn't think too much and walked beside Chi Enen spontaneously. As he walked, he asked, "Woman, what should we eat tonight?"

"What do you want to eat?" Chi Enen raised the corners of his mouth and held his hand with a crooked eyebrow.

Chi Baobao felt a little uncomfortable being held by her hand while walking in front of the school. But good face is good, so he did not let go of Chi Enen's hand, and reported a long list of things he wanted to eat in a good mood.

Chi Enen mentally calculated the inventory in the refrigerator at home and decided, "Before we go home, let's go to the supermarket and buy some fresh vegetables."

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