Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2328 Miss Chi, Mr. Lie is opposite

"Anyway, we haven't been to the supermarket together for several days."

She has been busy preparing for the face-slapping of the Os Group these days, and has no time to care about him. It happens that she is free today, so of course she has to accompany him more.

"Really?" Baby Chi's eyes lit up, and he almost couldn't hide his excitement. But he still cared about his face, and he felt that he was already a grown man, so he barely held back, "If you want to go, I can reluctantly accompany you to go shopping."

Pfft, her Baby Chi is too hypocritical.

He obviously wants to go!

Chi Enen knew his arrogant and awkward personality, and smiled and gave him a way out, "I really want to go shopping with my baby, just accompany me."

Baby Chi glanced at her and walked ahead proudly, "If you want to go, hurry up, if you go too late, the things in the supermarket will not be fresh."

Chi Enen held back her laughter, and called him while following him, "Slow down, wait for me, we will go together."

They just crossed the road.

A black Lexus suddenly stopped at the intersection.

Chi Enen subconsciously pulled Chi Baobei behind her and looked at the man who got out of the car with vigilance.

The man was dressed in a suit. Although he looked ordinary, he looked very energetic in the suit.

This face...

Chi Enen felt vaguely familiar.

She just recalled in her mind where she had seen it, and saw the man walked up to her and said respectfully, "Miss Chi, long time no see, I am the driver of Master Lie, do you still remember me?"

Master Lie...

Xi Zelie? !

Chi Enen suddenly remembered where she had seen this face.

Didn't she see it in Xi Zelie's villa that day?

Huo Yi stood beside Chi Enen and Chi Baobei in the same defensive posture. Hearing this, he turned his head and looked at Chi Enen and asked, "Madam, do you know him?"

"Yes." Chi Enen frowned, "I met him once before."

I just don't know why he came to her today.

Is there something wrong with Xi Zelie again?

The man seemed to see the doubts in her heart, smiled slightly, and said, "Mr. Lie has recovered most of his health, and I also want to thank Miss Chi for her help last time. This time I came to see Miss Chi, it was Mr. Lie's order. He is in the coffee shop across the street, and he wants to meet Miss Chi."

Xizelie's driver was bold enough to say this directly in front of Huo Yi.

"Mr. Lie just asked Miss Chi to have a cup of coffee, which won't delay Miss Chi for a long time. Mr. Lie has something to say to Miss Chi, can Miss Chi meet Mr. Lie?"


To be honest, Chi Enen really didn't want to see him.

It's not because she was dissatisfied with Xi Zelie.

In fact, she was very grateful to Xi Zelie, but after all, he had confessed to her before, even if it was over now, she was married.

But she always felt that the atmosphere of meeting Xi Zelie was weird.

It's not ambiguous.

It's just very uncomfortable.

But Xi Zelie helped her and Nuo Nuo, and he was her friend. When others didn't do anything, she couldn't isolate others and unilaterally refuse to contact others.

This behavior is too humiliating.

Not to mention that this person is Xi Zelie who saved Nuonuo, even if he is an ordinary friend, she can't do it!

Chi Enen pondered for a moment, and found Chi Baobei next to her, and a light bulb flashed, "But I still have to take Chi Baobei with me..."

This is a disguised euphemism for rejection...

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