Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2329 Comes with a one-kilowatt light bulb

"It's okay, Miss Chi can take the young master with her." The driver answered quickly, without any intention of embarrassment.

Chi Enen was completely helpless.

I could only turn my head, look at Chi Baobao, and say, "Baby, come with me."

Chi Baobao's eyebrows were twisted into a "Sichuan" shape.

He glanced at Chi Enen silently, and his eyes seemed to say, "Chi Enen, you are meeting other men alone behind the back of Lao Wang next door, be careful if Lao Wang next door finds out and the volcano explodes."

Chi Enen also gave him a helpless look.

Chi Baobao received the helpless look from Chi Enen, pursed her pink lips, and said, "Okay."

Huo Yi watched Chi Enen take Chi Baobao to a coffee shop not far away, and his head ached.

What should we do now?

Do you want to tell Sir Alex about this?

I told the prince, but I was afraid that the prince would be jealous.

Not telling Sir Alex would be against his principles.

While he was struggling, Chi Enen had already brought Chi Baobao into the coffee shop.

The decoration of the coffee shop is bright and elegant, and the modern European decoration style makes the whole store high-end and tasteful.

As soon as she entered, she saw the only customer in the cafe - Nishizawa Lie sitting by the window. He looked much better than the last time she saw him. She didn't know if it was her imagination, but she always I think this man's temperament is a bit melancholy.

When she was looking in front of her, the people in front of her also raised their heads, as if they felt her gaze and met her gaze in mid-air——

Chi Enen's heart paused suddenly, and that uncomfortable feeling emerged again.

In the few seconds she paused, Chi Baobao beside her instantly broke the faint and inexplicable atmosphere floating in the air.

"Hello, Uncle Caesar."

Crisp and loud.

It was completely impossible to tell that he had been clamoring to put the flowers sent by Nishizawa Retsu into the toilet.

He greeted Xize Lie with a smile and gave Chi Enen a hand. Chi Enen was a little uncomfortable at first, but his funny little move made it all disappear.

Didn't Chi Baobao always dislike Li Beijue?

Previously, he was so angry that Li Beijue wanted him to study and ignored him for several days.

Why did he seem to be a different person when he met Xize Lie, and it was completely impossible to tell how unhappy he was with his father.

The defensive posture with her tail raised was almost like a little spy placed by Li Beijue beside her, reminding her every minute not to cheat.

Chi Enen was amused by his imagination, and he felt relaxed. He walked over and said hello to the man sitting there, "Xize Lie, long time no see."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"What do you want to drink?"

"Two glasses of orange juice!" Chi Baobao was the first to answer. In the end, he did not forget to sit down first, sitting directly opposite the angel-like man. He put down his schoolbag and naturally pointed to the seat next to him and said, "Mommy , you sit here."



Only when he encounters a situation that he thinks is a crisis will he change his name to mommy.

Normally, the woman would keep calling her, and she would call her name when she was most angry. Now he suddenly called her "Mommy" obediently, and deliberately called her so clearly that Chi Enen even got goosebumps. .

The waiter happened to come over with the order, and Chi Baobao immediately repeated to the waiter, "Two glasses of orange juice, with ice."

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