Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2343 Who do you think you are?

The strong smell of perfume hit him, and Li Beijue subconsciously narrowed his eyes, with strong disgust in his eyes. He turned his head coldly, grabbed her wrist, and put it away abruptly. His eyes were a bit sarcastic, as if he heard a big joke, "Do you want to surpass Chi Enen?"

Linnai was stared at by his eyes that were brighter than the stars, feeling nervous and shy. Her heart was beating fast. Even though she had just seen how ruthless and cold-hearted this man was, the more unattainable he was, the more she wanted to catch him.

She lowered her head and bit her lower lip nervously, looking pitiful, "I don't, I mean, I know I can't compare to Enen, and I have never thought about surpassing Enen's position in your heart. , I just like you. I really, really like you. I like you so much that I can’t help myself. My heart hurts. Mr. Li, can you take pity on me and give me a chance? "

A weak little woman confessed so sincerely and put herself in a very low position. Under normal circumstances, even if the man being confessed is not attracted to the woman, he will agree to the woman's request out of the satisfaction of being a manly man.

What's more, she is different from the normal situation. Her demeanor, tone, and even appearance are very similar to what this man likes.

She believes she can succeed!

Even if he scooped up the gun and shot her, she still wanted to catch him.

If she fails to catch this man and misses this opportunity, she may be beaten back to her original form. She doesn't want... she definitely doesn't want to go back to the past.

She didn't even want to lose her dignity, but she still wanted to catch this man with all her strength!

"Mr. Li, I really like you... I really like you... I love you..." Lin Nai had tears in her eyes because of the fright just now. When she spoke, tears fell down. It was really... Endearing to the extreme.

It's a pity that the wrong person saw her like this.

Li Beijue clamped one hand on her wrist, not giving her a chance to get closer to him. On the other hand, he looked at her performance with cold eyes, with undisguised disgust, "So? If you like me, I will Give you a chance? Shouldn’t I give women who like me a chance? Who do you think you are?”

Ever since we were young, have there been fewer women who liked him?

If he had to sleep with every woman who told him she liked him, what would he become, a duck?


Li Beijue glanced at her pale face coldly and said directly, "In my heart, you can't even compare to Chi Enen!"

In my heart, you can't even compare to Chi Enen!

Lin Nai suddenly opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe his ears...

Li Beijue had long been tired of seeing her hypocritical performance. He had never thought of giving her face in the first place, but he was just too lazy to tell her. He was tired of this woman pestering her from time to time and acting self-righteous. Mei Feng said impatiently, "There is no comparison between you and Chi Enen. You don't even deserve to compare her name! And don't do it in front of me." You’re trying to imitate her again, have you ever heard of Dong Shi?”

Linnai's ears were buzzing and his vision was dark.

Dong Shi?

In his mind, she is Dong Shi?

The Dong Shi who imitated Dong Shi?

Her face turned pale, the kind of paleness that comes after being slapped so hard that she could hardly stand and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in——

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