Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2344 I’m not interested in you even if you’re naked!

Lin Nai originally thought that Li Beijue wanted to compare her to Dong Shi, but she was already slapped in the face until stars appeared in her eyes.

She never expected that this man was so ruthless that he really didn't give her any face, "You are just a flea in the hair of that ugly woman who wants to imitate Xi Tzu. All day long, you are posing, and you think you are righteous." Very similar to Chi Enen.”

flea? !

There was a snap.

Lin Nai's face was already pale from being beaten, and was slapped again. The white was red, and the red was blue.

In his eyes, she was actually worse than Dong Shi, just an ugly bug in the hair of a ridiculous woman?

Linnai couldn't accept this metaphor at all. Her face was full of disbelief and she couldn't believe her ears.


This must be her imagination.

How could Mr. Li say that about her?

She has looked in the mirror and she looks very much like En En now. Her tone of voice and behavior were all imitated by En En. He even smiled like he was smiling.

She was in the plastic surgery hospital, and everyone told her that her surgery was successful and that she looked very natural.

She clearly looks exactly like En En now, can't he see it?

Since he thinks Chi Enen is beautiful, then she should also be a very beautiful type in his eyes!

"Impossible...impossible..." Lin Nai was stimulated and kept muttering the same sentence.

She had to convince herself.

Li Beijue sneered, and there seemed to be a storm in his eagle eyes, "In my eyes, she is the most unique existence! Women other than her are all ugly! You are no exception!"

"But I obviously look a lot like En En!" Lin Nai couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't help but retort.

Since he thinks Chi Enen is good-looking and she looks so similar to Chi Enen, why does he call her ugly? Is it because she is not like Chi Enen enough?

Lin Nai was so confused that she almost forgot about the medicine in her coffee and her purpose of stopping this man.

Her entire cognition was shocked.

She tried her best to have plastic surgery and tried her best to imitate Chi Enen's every move, just to attract this man's attention. In the end, he told her that Chi Enen was unique! She was just ugly in his eyes, and he didn't care at all that her appearance was any different from other women.

Since he didn't treat her differently, why did he keep her by his side and even opened a presidential suite for her in the hotel?


Li Beijue seemed to see through her little thoughts, his dark eyes were bottomless, and he swept over her, "How do you resemble her? I said, you can't even compare to her. Don't say that you imitated her. The imitation is hypocritical. Even if you really imitate her, in my eyes, you are still not as good as her! Because Chi Enen is Chi Enen, not anyone else!"

"Also, I might as well tell you. I don't keep you here to watch you direct and act in front of me. I keep you because of other things, which have nothing to do with what you think. So. Put away your dirty tricks, my patience with you is limited. Just because of what you did to Chi Enen before, I can make you worse, but the reason why I didn't pinch you to death. It's for her sake. If you're smart, you'd better behave like a butterfly with your tail between your legs."

"Even if you take off your clothes, I'm not interested in you!"

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