Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2350 Does she not believe him just because of those photos?

Did that woman go to find Chi Enen?

Are you still talking nonsense to Chi Enen?

Li Beijue's fingers tightened inch by inch. Huo Yi was pinched so hard that he could hear the cracking sound of his own bones, but he calmed down and remained silent.

After he briefly lost control, he quickly calmed down, but his eyes were dark and dark, as if there was a wild beast hidden deep in his pupils.

He quickly released his grip on Huo Yi's wrist and asked in a deep voice, "Why didn't you tell me these things earlier?"

Huo Yi's back was sweating when he was asked, and he buried his head and said, "Because I promised the young lady not to tell the lord. I will wait until the young lady goes to find the lord and ask."

"Do you know what will happen if you hide it from me?"

Huo Yi lowered his head and replied seriously, "I know."

"Very good, go and receive the punishment yourself later!" Li Beijue looked at him deeply and pursed his thin lips into a straight line.

Originally, Huo Yi's mistake was excusable in terms of human nature. But he has never been a humane person, and he must give Huo Yi a warning.

Sometimes it is often a small thing that is inconspicuous, which will cause irreparable consequences.

For example, last time Chi Enen left him for a while to take the elevator and something happened.

He absolutely couldn't accept the same thing happening a second time.

Therefore, he could not allow Huo Yi to hide things about this woman from him. Fortunately, Chi Enen didn't wander around this time. What if Chi Enen walked out of his protection next time because of something he didn't know about?

Huo Yi has followed him since he was a child. It can be said that he grew up with Li Beijue. Sometimes, even if Li Beijue didn't say anything, he could guess what Li Beijue was thinking. It was the same this time. As soon as the cold man said the punishment, he knew the reason behind it. He himself felt very ashamed about this matter, and nodded without any complaint, saying, "Yes, Sir."

After learning what he was hiding, Li Beijue became even more annoyed. He leaned on the sofa irritably, and his stomach began to hurt again.

He closed his eyes, rested for a while, and suddenly opened his eyes again, staring at Huo Yi with his dark eagle eyes, and asked in a tone that he was not sure about, "Do you think I should explain to Chi Enen?"

Do you think I should explain to Chi Enen?

It was rare that he was so wavering and unable to make a decision.

Even if it is a business worth tens of billions, he can make calm decisions, but at this moment, it is just a trivial matter in the eyes of ordinary people, but he is anxious and does not know what to do.

Huo Yi was stunned for a moment by the question, and said respectfully, "Yes. The Lord should really explain the matter between you and Miss Lin to the young lady, otherwise the young lady will be really sad."

"Does she not believe me just because of those photos?" Li Beijue stood up irritably and walked around the living room. After a while, he stood still, clenched his fist and punched the wall, "Shi -t!"

She doesn't trust him that much. She just saw a set of photos with no 'substantial' content and doesn't even want to hear his explanation?

Seeing that he was like a trapped animal, Huo Yi kept doubting himself. He took a deep breath and said, "Sir, actually I haven't reported to you yet. When the young lady went to pick up the young master from school this afternoon, Mr. Lie I once came to see the young lady and even asked her to have coffee for a while. "

"What did you say? Did Xize Lie find Chi Enen?" The anxious man suddenly turned around and looked at him——

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