Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2351 Chi Enen accepted the diamond ring given by Xize Lie?

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"Yes, Mr. Lie met with the young lady in the afternoon and had a coffee with the young lady alone." Huo Yi said in a steady voice. He deliberately did not say that Chi Baobao was also with him.


The arrogant man's eyes were sinister, and his handsome face was so serious that it looked like it was about to drip. He clenched his fists and growled at him, "Damn it, you just let the two of them drink coffee alone? Why don't you follow?"

Huo Yi bent down respectfully and answered him very calmly, "Because Mr. Lie will not hurt the young lady, and I am outside and can see what's going on inside."

"The young lady didn't let me follow either."

Chi Enen didn't ask him to follow, so why didn't he follow? !

Li Beijue's temples were tense with anger and he glared at him as if he wanted to punch a hole in him.

Huo Yi was the only one who could remain calm in such a high-pressure situation. He calmly accepted the angry gaze from the man and said softly, "The young lady did not have any close contact with Young Master Lie. She just sat together and drank coffee. By the way, Young Master Lie seems to be..."

"Like what?"

"It seems that Mr. Lie gave the young lady a gift before he left."


what gift?

Li Beijue was more irritable than ever before. He walked back and forth twice, but still couldn't get rid of the irritation in his chest. He kicked over the trash can next to him, but still couldn't hold back, "What gift?"

That man really wants to be close to Chi Enen all the time! Chi Enen even rejected him, but he still wanted to come up again and again!

The most important thing is that both Quan Dongting and Mrs. Habsden like Xize Lie more!

Mrs. Habsden even arranged a baby wedding for Xize Lie and Chi Enen!

As soon as he thought of this, he couldn't treat every contact between Chi Enen and that man with a normal heart.

Especially when he was away, the two of them had private contact.

Huo Yi could see his irritability. His irritability was written all over his face, making it difficult to see it.

"I didn't see clearly."

"...When did your eyes become myopic?" At the critical moment, he didn't see clearly!

Huo Yi didn't pay attention to the irritability in his tone at all, and said slowly, "No, because when I saw it, the young lady had already put away the things. So I didn't see clearly what they were, I just vaguely saw them. I remember seeing something shiny that looked like a diamond.”

Something shiny, like a diamond!

His first reaction was - the ring!

Chi Enen accepted the diamond ring given by Nishizawa Lie?

His heart felt as if it had been stabbed, and all the blood in his body was flowing backwards. The suppressed irritability almost drove him crazy.

He narrowed his eyes and stared into Huo Yi's eyes and asked, "What then? What else? Did Chi Enen behave differently today? What did they say when they were drinking coffee together?"

"The young lady didn't behave differently, she was still the same as usual, but after seeing the group of photos, she acted a little disappointed." Huo Yi continued to recall, "As for what the young lady and Mr. Lie said, I didn't listen. I was standing outside the coffee shop and could only see the young lady’s mouth, but I couldn’t hear what they said. I only remembered that the young lady laughed several times.”

I only remember that the young lady laughed several times...

Li Beijue's eyes were dark and deep, and the hands on his sides were clenched tightly...

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