Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2408 Car accident, cancer, incurable

"You think my skills are not good? Your father asked me to cut my hair before." Mrs. Habsden pouted unhappily, not forgetting something more important than cutting her hair, and let him go generously. "Hurry up and do it. Remember to make it look good. If you deliberately make yourself look bad, I will be angry."

Quan Dongting is in his thirties, already in his forties, and he has no choice but to be taught by his mother like a child, "...I don't know how."

"It's not the best. If you mess up on purpose, be careful I'll hit you with a stick." After the old lady threatened him childishly, she pushed him out.

Wait for someone to leave.

She just fell back and hugged the little girl who had stopped crying on the bed, "Grandma's little sweetheart, why were you crying just now? Grandma didn't cry, don't cry next time. Grandma feels so sorry for you when she cries. ."

Nono's big black and white eyes blinked, with water droplets on the eyelashes, and her pouty pink lips said with a milky voice, "Grandma is crying... Nono feels uncomfortable..."

Old Mrs. Habsden was even more distressed, her loving face was full of love, "Grandma didn't cry, grandma was trying to scare your uncle."

Nono didn't know if he understood it, so he whispered into the ear of Mrs. Habsden, "Brother Guo said Nono was going to be uncle."

"Ge Guo said, Nuonuo said that uncle is bad."

She always called Quan Dongting uncle, and she still calls her uncle now.

Who is Mrs. Habsden? She was a powerful figure when she was young, but she only spent more than ten years growing flowers and grass at home.

She is still very capable and smart at heart.

When Nono said this, she immediately understood, "Nono, was it your brother who called you to come over?"

The little girl nodded immediately, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, "Brother Guo, I called you just now. My name is Nono... come here and say that your uncle is bad and bullies grandma."

Old Mrs. Habsden burst into laughter, touched her head, and lamented in her heart that her precious grandson was too sinister.

At only ten years old, this IQ, this emotional intelligence, this little trick of manipulating people's hearts have already begun to take shape.

This will get better when you grow up.

Chi Baobao also looks like Li Beijue...

The image of a handsome and noble man appeared in Old Mrs. Habsden's mind, and she could already imagine how many girls would be crazy about her baby when her grandson grew up.

It seemed that she no longer had to worry about her grandson's marriage.

So this time, she must take down the brat in the family!

Mrs. Habsden's eyes were filled with fighting spirit. After coaxing Nono for a while, she hurriedly rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find clothes.


Chi Baobao, who was far away at Country Garden's home, called Noonuo. From the report of the little guy's milky voice, he roughly deduced the situation at that time. After saying that he knew it, he would reward her with a lollipop. hang up the phone.

While taking out his computer, he made a fake hospital diagnosis and treatment sheet in a good mood and sent it to a user's computer in a hotel not far away.

He hacked into the other party's program, and after monitoring the other party to read the cancer diagnosis and treatment book he sent, he calmly cleared his hacking records.

He heard his wife say that his uncle had a close relationship with the female orthopedic surgeon from country W.

Now he can help his grandmother create opportunities, and even use the most precious of the three treasures of Korean dramas, 'car accident, cancer, and incurability'. When the other party takes the initiative, it's time for my uncle to get married, right?

Chi Baobei rubbed her fingers, leaned on the sofa, closed the computer, put it aside, and was about to play with her mobile phone when Chi Enen called.

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