Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2409 I don’t want to be a light bulb

He put the phone to his ear and said, "Hey."

"Going to eat pineapple rice? You mean the one in front of my school?" Chi Baobao immediately noticed something keenly, "Isn't Lao Wang next door also there?"

He didn't know what was said on the other end of the phone. He curled his lips and said to the person on the other end of the phone with an unhappy look, "Then I won't go. Anyway, I'm just going to be a light bulb. Lao Wang next door doesn't miss me either. Go, I’ll go and he’ll have a cold face again.”

He paused and continued, "Woman, I really can't go there. I have other things to do. Just go on a date with Mr. Wang next door. I'll be back later."

"Where are you going?" Chi Enen's worried voice came from the other end of the phone.

His cool little face relaxed a little, and his starry eyes revealed a hint of cunning, "I went out to do something important. I'll tell you when I get it done when I get back."

He didn't wait for Chi Enen to speak, as if he had seen through what Chi Enen was going to say, he said first, "Don't worry, I won't go out alone, I will bring Uncle Huo with me. Ask me now, I I won’t tell you what I went to do. I’ll tell you when you come back.”

My uncle has not yet met the female orthopedic surgeon who he carefully cooperated with his grandmother to trick. He will tell Chi Enen when he does and the matter is successful.

Lest Chi Enen be happy in vain.

He didn't have to go there, but he was still worried that his grandmother and the little fool wouldn't be able to handle it, so it was better to go there in person so that he could control the whole situation and feel more at ease.

After Chi Jingchen finished speaking, he glanced at the time on the wall in a good mood, and immediately said to Chi Enen, "Okay, woman, that's it, wait for me to come back."

"Chi baby..."

Before she could finish her words, the phone was hung up.


There was a beeping sound from the phone. Chi Enen took the phone away and saw that the call had been disconnected. She held the phone helplessly and threw it back.

The tall and handsome man was waiting for her. As soon as she came over, he immediately grabbed her left hand possessively, held her hand firmly in his, and asked in a low voice, "How is it?"

Chi Enen looked up at him, shook his head and said, "He's not coming. Chi Baobao said he had something to do and wanted to go out. He would ask Butler Huo to follow him and he would be back later."

"I asked him what was going on, but he didn't tell me. He just told me that he would tell me when I got back. I don't know why, but I was a little worried..."

Li Beijue held her hand disapprovingly and touched her rose-colored thin lips, "There is nothing to worry about. He is a man. Besides, Huo Yi will follow him and nothing will happen."

Chi Enen also thought nothing would happen.

She knew Huo Yi's abilities better than anyone else. Coupled with Chi Baobao's own smart mind, it was unlikely that anything would happen to him now that he was in country W.

She just had an accident in Mauritius before and had a psychological shadow about going out alone, so she was extra sensitive.

After Chi Enen figured this out, his expression became much more relaxed, he nodded and said "Yeah".

"Let's go eat pineapple rice." Li Beijue held her hand and walked out of the cinema and walked to the car. He stopped first, turned Chi Enen around, and locked his eagle eyes on her. For a moment, he frowned and said, "If you are really worried, I will ask Huo Yi to watch him and prevent him from going out."

Chi Enen had already figured it out, thought about it, and then refused, "Forget it, you also said that Chi Baobao is a boy, and Butler Huo is following him, it should be fine, let him go."

She opened the car door first and felt relieved, "Let's go to the food court and I'll show you the way."

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