Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2410 I like whatever you like to eat!

The Pineapple Restaurant outside the school is actually a snack bar.

Chi Baobao goes to a school that combines elementary school, junior high school, and high school. Because it is close to the school, there are so many snack bars selling food on the nearby street that it has completely formed a food street.

In addition to students, people living nearby also like to come here to play.

Li Beijue parked the car at a nearby street corner, and Chi Enen led him straight to the snack bar with pineapple rice.

Because school is over, elementary school students and junior high school students have all gone home. Only high school students are studying in the evening, so there are quite a lot of empty seats in the store.


When Chi Enen saw an empty seat in the corner, he quickly grabbed the man next to him and trotted over there. First, he pressed the person on the seat, took up the position, and then said in a hurry, "Li Beijue, please stay here and don't wander around. Watch the position. And this..."

She put her bag over and said cheerfully, "Look at my bag and its location while I go shopping. Besides pineapple rice, what else do you want to eat?"

Her cheeks are white and rosy, her skin is good, and she looks young and tender. She doesn't feel out of place in a store full of students. He looks like a college student nearby, full of energy.

Li Beijue originally hated this kind of small, crowded, noisy, and unsanitary place. But when his eyes touched her slightly excited face, the irritability in his heart was suddenly suppressed, as if the spring breeze blew by, sweeping away his irritability.

"Whatever! Whatever you like to eat, I will eat whatever you like!"

Whatever she likes to eat, he likes to eat?

Is it too early to say this?

Chi Enen blinked and smiled, "Are you sure? You said it yourself. I will buy the things later, and you are not allowed to feel unhappy about something."

It seemed like it was his first time to come to such a serious snack bar. He would be too naive to think that the snack bar only had normal snacks like pineapple rice.

Anyway, it was him who told her what she liked in a domineering way, and he liked it. It wasn't her who forced him to eat.

The handsome man who was incompatible with this place narrowed his distinguished eagle eyes, glanced at her, and said unpleasantly, "I don't know how to be long-winded!"

"You said so yourself. I went to buy it."

Chi Enen smiled secretly, took her wallet and squeezed outside to buy food.

A snack bar is different from a restaurant. In a restaurant, the waiter waits for you to order with a menu, and then serves you the food after ordering.

Snack bars are different. Snack bars are cheap, high-quality and low-priced. They are usually small businesses with only one owner. So if you want to eat, you need to go to the front to find the boss. The boss will charge you according to what is made, and you have to do it yourself.

There were already several people in line in front of Chi Enen, and she was still behind.

She estimated when it would be her turn and thought about what to buy later.

While I was thinking about it, the school bell rang across the street. The high school students were studying in the afternoon.

In less than five minutes, people poured out of the school like a tide, and some of them headed towards the food court...

Chi Enen was extremely lucky that she had just asked Li Beijue to drive the car faster. They arrived before the high school evening self-study was over. Otherwise, if they came here now, they would probably not even have a seat.

Speaking of the position, she craned her neck and looked inside uneasily, wanting to see if someone had occupied the position well. Unexpectedly, she saw——

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