Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2411 Want Li Beijue’s WeChat

Several little girls gathered in front of the arrogant man. You bumped me with your elbow, and I bumped you with my elbow. Each of them had the unique vitality of a girl on their faces, and they pushed each other boldly and shyly. Refuse to stand at the front.

"There you go."

"Hehe, I don't want it, so go ahead. You were the one who said it just now, so you shouldn't dare."


"There you go."

"No, I won't go, you go."

Several people were laughing and joking, you pushed me, I bumped you, and they were coy in front of the handsome, tall and noble man for several minutes, but they couldn't decide who would go.

However, it was rare enough that they made such a big noise and the man sitting there could turn a blind eye and play with his mobile phone.

Several little girls pushed me and I pushed you for a while, but they were embarrassed when they found that the other party had no intention of taking the initiative to pay attention to them. They looked at each other and pushed out the most beautiful one among them, "Nana, you go."

"Me?" The little girl who was the prettiest and cutest was startled at first, looking nervous and scared. Her face was as red as a ripe red apple. She shrank back and waved her hand, "I It’s better not to give it up, forget it.”

The girl behind her quickly stopped her, pushed her back, and drove her forward, still smiling and saying, "Go, go. For the happiness of all of us, you have to sacrifice. Ask the handsome guy. Give me a WeChat ID.”

"Yes, you are one of the school beauties in our school. Many boys in the school like you. You can definitely get it if you ask for it. If we go and they ignore us, it will be so embarrassing."

"That's right, Nana, just go. You can definitely do it."

The little girl is a person with a good face. Being praised by her friends like this, she was hesitant and embarrassed at first, but she couldn't help but relaxed, "But... if someone ignores me, wouldn't I be embarrassed?"

"No, you are so beautiful, how could anyone be willing to ignore you?"

"That's right, go ahead."

Several people said this. The tips of the little girl named Nana's ears turned red. She secretly glanced at the man sitting there with his head down and playing with his mobile phone with his almond-shaped eyes. He didn't want to pay any attention to them. She hesitated and didn't know what to do. It's time to step forward.

They have stood here for so long and said so many things. Generally speaking, boys will react long ago when they hear this. Not only will they take the initiative to strike up a conversation and ask them something, but they will at least look at them.

But this man had no intention of looking at them. He kept his eyes on his mobile phone from beginning to end, as if they were superfluous creatures and didn't even bother to raise their heads.

She intuitively felt that if she approached him to strike up a conversation, she might be slapped in the face.


She couldn't bear to leave.

So handsome.

This was the first time she saw such a good-looking man with extraordinary temperament near the school.

She knew that this man was definitely not from their school. He could tell by his dress. He was either from the university next door or someone who lived nearby.

If she misses this time, she may not be able to meet him next time.

The beautiful girl's face was full of confusion, and her friends around her kept urging her. It was as if there was a little devil in her heart that kept urging her to come forward.

She finally couldn't help it anymore, took a deep breath, and took a step forward, "Hello, brother, can you give me your WeChat ID?"

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