Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2412 Sorry, he can’t give it to you

She said it.


He actually said it and ran to talk to him.

The girl's young and beautiful face quickly turned crimson, and the tips of her ears felt like they were burning. She nervously held her phone tightly, her fingers trembling, and her beautiful almond eyes were filled with moisture. She didn't know whether it was because of nervousness or something. The fog looks even better.

No wonder her friends would say that she was one of the school beauties in high school. Judging from the appearance of the little girl, she is pure and cute. She is indeed the kind of girl who would make people shine when they were studying, and she looks like a first love.

However, the sweet voice of the little girl attracted the boys at the two tables next to her to look over. Sitting there, the person being questioned did not move at all, still playing something with his mobile phone. During the whole process, he did not even move his eyelashes. It was as if he didn't hear what the little girl said at all.

If you look a little closer, you can see that he is playing a game in his hands.

It's the e-sports game that Chi Enen and Chi Baobao are playing.

I saw his slender fingers sliding on the phone screen calmly, and the operator's entire character shuttled back and forth in the canyon, making him unstoppable.

The little girl didn't have the nerve to go over to see what he was doing, and saw that he was playing with his mobile phone and ignored her.

I was so embarrassed that I didn’t know where to put my hands and feet.

The friends around her didn't expect that Li Beijue would completely ignore them. They didn't even raise their heads and fell silent. The atmosphere was awkward for a while. They looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you. But no one thought of helping their friend out of trouble. ,

The poor little girl who was pushed out to chat with them went from being nervous at first to being at a loss later, to being so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in...

Fortunately, at this moment, a heavenly voice came from behind her——

"I'm sorry, little sister. He can't send you WeChat ID."

The little girl suddenly turned around and looked at the person walking over with something in her hands. She was gentle and had a calming power. She opened her mouth and asked subconsciously, "Why."

Chi Enen blinked his eyes, looked at her reddish face, and couldn't help but sigh that her skin was so good. She smiled and said, "Because he is married, I won't let him give it."

"He's married..." The little girl's face suddenly turned red and she waved her hands in panic, "I, I didn't know he... he was married. I thought..."

I thought Li Beijue didn't have a girlfriend yet.

Chi Enen looked at her cute explanation, smiled, and interrupted her quickly, "I know. By the way, you are students at the school opposite, right? My son is also studying there. But he is still young and in elementary school. Now that we have met, it is considered fate. I bought a cup of milk tea for each of you. It is at the boss's place. You go and get it. Each of you can get a cup. It's getting late and it's almost time to go home. "

A few little girls didn't expect that their WeChat messages were going to reach their husbands' place, and the key point was that they were caught red-handed.

Not only did the other party not argue with them, he resolved their embarrassment with a few words and even bought them milk tea. Several people's faces instantly turned red with shame, and they all whispered thank you to Chi Enen in a voice as small as a mosquito. Then one by one they took the milk tea that Chi Enen bought for them and ran out of the shop as if they were running away...

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