Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2413 I didn’t hear them talking at all

The man who had not raised his head raised his head at this moment, frowned, looked at her dissatisfied and said, "Why so slow?"

He finished the game.

"We have to queue up."

Because the high school evening self-study classes were over, there were more and more people in the store, and even the seats around them were full. The small store was extremely noisy, with voices everywhere.

Li Beijue disliked this kind of environment very much. He frowned so much that he almost pinched a fly. He put away his cell phone and said to Chi Enen, "Let's eat quickly."

"Yeah." Chi Enen also knew that he didn't like such an environment. In such an environment, he was particularly prone to anxiety.

She put down all the things she bought and pulled out the chair opposite him. After sitting down, she asked, "Hey, why were you ignoring those little girls just now?"

"What little girl?"

He didn't even see the person she was talking about!

Chi Enen handed him the steaming pineapple rice, then handed him a spoon and said, "They are the little girls who were standing in front of you just now. They should be high school students from the school opposite. Others asked you to be micro. The signal came, didn’t you hear it?”

"did not hear."

"I heard it all, how could you not hear it?"

The cold-hearted man took the plastic spoon she handed over, glanced at it with disgust, pursed his thin lips, and still didn't say anything. He said without much interest, "I didn't hear it, I'm not interested."

For him, he has no interest in women other than her.

Who knows who was standing in front of him just now, but he didn't see or hear him. Speaking of sounds, he did hear a very noisy sound when he was playing games, but he was playing a game, so he was not interested in seeing who made the noisy sounds.

Even if he hadn't played the game at the time and saw who it was, he wouldn't have sent it to WeChat.

Who does she think he is?

Can anyone ask for his WeChat account?

Chi Enen was used to his coldness. Seeing that he really didn't even notice the few girls who had the courage to ask him for their WeChat ID, she silently felt sympathy for the few girls in her heart for a few seconds.

But it was just a small sympathy. If Li Beijue really gave them WeChat, she would be depressed.

He didn't notice those people anyway. Chi Enen decided not to mention the episode that just happened. He opened all the snacks he bought and pushed them in front of him, "Come on, in addition to pineapple rice, I also bought These. Try them and see if they taste good."

"what are these?"

Li Beijue stared at the row of red things in front of him, unable to find a place to put his chopsticks down.

"Snacks." Chi Enen opened the sanitary chopsticks, put a piece of hot potato into his bowl, and said with a smile, "Try this, this is Chi Baobao's favorite food."

Li Beijue picked up the strange-shaped potato strips she put over, pursed his thin lips, stared at it and asked, "What is this?"

"Celestial potato."

"A kind of snack that many people like to eat. I used to buy it when I was studying. You probably haven't eaten it before, Li Beijue, try it. It's really delicious."

When she was studying...

That was when he didn't know her yet, didn't know her.

Did she like to eat this at that time?

Li Beijue was originally not interested in this kind of food with unknown origins and poor appearance.

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