Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2415 Bring him a bowl of water

She had just stood up, but the domineering man had already refused, "No!"

"But you can't eat these." Chi Enen regretted buying all the spicy ones, but the more delicious snacks in this restaurant are spicy. She usually brings Chi Baobao to eat, but Chi Baobao is not spicy. No, I like these the most. When she bought them just now, she subconsciously chose these.

"You'd better wait for me here and I'll buy you some porridge." Chi Enen said quickly.

Li Beijue took her hand. He had a handsome and dazzling figure and an extraordinary body. He didn't want Chi Enen to go, "I said no."

Chi Enen looked at him helplessly and asked, "Then what do you eat? It's impossible not to eat."

Li Beijue glanced at the pineapple rice in front of him and said, "Eat this."

"And this." He reached out again and used his chopsticks to pick up the potato slices from Bobo Chicken that he had just taken a bite of from Chi Enen's bowl. He opened his mouth naturally and took a bite.

Sure enough, it was numb and spicy, not the taste he liked.

But it felt like an indirect kiss with her, which was not bad.

Chi Enen watched helplessly as he naturally took away the remaining food and ate it gracefully, his heartbeat speeding up immediately.

"You want to eat this...there's more in there. I ate the one just now."

"I'm going to eat what you've eaten!"

Domineering, strong, childish.

Chi Enen was speechless.

She looked at someone's harsh words but his skin was flushed with red, but she still pulled his hand away and said, "Li Beijue, wait for me."

She quickly ran to the boss in the front row and didn't know what she said to the boss. The boss pointed her to a place.

She took a disposable bowl from the boss, walked to the place where the boss said, picked up something, and poured a bowl of water out.

Soon, Chi Enen squeezed back with the bowl of water. She naturally placed the bowl of plain water in front of the man and said, "This is enough. If you are afraid of spicy food, just rinse it with boiled water before eating and it will not be so spicy."

"Did you just run out to get this?" Li Beijue stared at her deeply with his deep eyes, and an indescribable feeling surged in his chest uncontrollably.

It was full of emotions, a feeling I had never experienced before meeting Chi Enen!

Chi Enen pulled out the chair, sat back in his seat, and helped him pick out the kelp he liked to eat more from Bobo Chicken. He put it in boiled water and rinsed it, rinsing away the layer of red oil chili pepper on the kelp. , handed it to him, and said naturally, "That's right. This is a snack bar, and the owner is the only one in the store. When business is good, the owner is too busy, so you have to make whatever you want. If you can't find it, ask Get down with the boss and he will tell you."

After she finished speaking, she pointed to the kelp she had just put into Li Beijue's bowl and said, "Try that piece of kelp to see if it's still spicy. If it doesn't work, I'll buy you some porridge."

He is still not suitable for coming to such a down-to-earth place. Everyone's living environment is different. He just lives a high-end, luxurious and harsh life.

It's not that the snack bar is bad, it's just not suitable for Li Beijue.

Chi Enen regretted it a little.

If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have brought him here. She would have honestly found a Western restaurant. At least the food there is something he can eat, instead of here, where it's basically everything he won't eat.

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