Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2416 Will try to like everything she likes

She looked at the person opposite picking up the rinsed kelp and staring at it, and couldn't help but add, "If you really don't want to eat it, let's change it to a Western restaurant..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted. The man who was staring at the piece of kelp on the skewer suddenly raised his head, looked directly into her face and said, "Don't you like it here?"

"Not really..." She really likes eating snacks, which reminds her of her school days and the days when she was alone with Chi Baobao.

But she's not picky, she's not like him. She can eat anything.

She can eat both western food and snacks.

Li Beijue's dark eyes seemed to see through the depths of her heart and said, "Chi Enen, you just like it here."


He elegantly holds the skewers of Bobo Chicken, and his down-to-earth skewers reflect the luxury of the chef's cooking at a high-end restaurant. He glanced at Chi Enen and then looked away, saying, "Whatever you like, I will also like. If I don't like it now, I will adapt to like it in the future. I want everything about you, including liking it!"

I want everything about you, including liking you!

Chi Enen's heart skipped a beat.

"So there is no need to change, just eat here. I will often accompany you to eat here in the future. There will always be a time when I will like the food you like."

He really didn't like this kind of unhygienic, unrefined, and imperfect food.

But these are things she likes.

Something she had loved since she was a student.

Because she likes it, so he will try to like it.

He could fall in love with her so easily, and he could also fall in love with her favorite food.

Isn't it spicy?

Another day he asked Si Chen to help him make a spicy eating plan so that he could slowly develop his ability to eat spicy food.

Chi Enen didn't know what he was thinking. If she knew what he was thinking, she would definitely regret bringing him here.

"Okay, eat quickly, your pineapple rice is getting cold." After he finished speaking, he started to move gracefully.

Chi Enen saw that he really did as he said, trying a little of every food on the table. He would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed.

Before she made sure he ate each item, she rinsed it with boiled water, then buried her head and ate her own portion.

The meal was in perfect harmony.

Li Beijue was born into a wealthy family. Ever since he returned to the Li family at the age of ten, he has strictly abided by table manners. When he was eating, his posture remained elegant and noble no matter when and where. Every move he makes is eye-catching, as if he is filming a TV series. Even when he eats the most down-to-earth snacks, he has a different style from others.

He always stands out among the crowd, but in a small snack bar, it is easier for people to notice him.

Chi Enen seriously doubted that if she wasn't still sitting here as a living person, the little girl who asked Li Beijue for his WeChat ID just now would have been lined up.

Anyway, she saw that the two little girls sitting at the tables to their left and right were peeking in their direction from time to time.

After seeing someone's perfect profile, they will deliberately make a string of chattering sounds like silver bells to attract someone's attention.

But unfortunately, their little thoughts are destined to be ignored.

Because not only was Li Beijue not attracted, he also thought they were making a lot of noise!

As soon as Chi Enen finished eating, he stood up without wasting a minute and said, "Let's go back."

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