Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2417 Li Beijue, this man is Li Beijue

"So fast?"

Chi Enen also stood up.

Li Beijue frowned, glanced around, and said irritably, "It's too noisy."

Then he stretched out his hand, grabbed her hand accurately, clasped his fingers tightly and said, "Let's go. Go back."

"Oh." Chi Enen let him hold his hand and followed him out of the snack bar.

As soon as Li Beijue left, part of the light in the snack bar seemed to have been taken away by him.

As soon as they left, two little girls with buns came running in and went straight to the table next to Chi Enen and theirs. They looked around excitedly, "Where are the handsome guys? Didn’t you say there is a handsome guy here? Why didn’t I see him?”

They suddenly said that he was more handsome than her idol. How could it be possible? Her idol was so handsome. There would be no man in the world more handsome than her idol.

There are little kids all around who don't even have hair, and there are no handsome guys anywhere.

"Everyone has left." Another girl said to the two of them, "You are late, the handsome guy has just left."

"Damn it! If you didn't tell me earlier! I'll take a taxi and come over here!"

"We asked you to come here quickly. Who knew you would come so late. You missed the opportunity to see this handsome guy..."

"You're so handsome. This is the first time I've seen someone in real life who is more handsome than a male celebrity, taller, and dressed tastefully..." It's a pity that he has a girlfriend.

She didn't say the last part.

The two little girls who came over saw them all acting like nymphos, and sat down with doubts and disbelief on their faces, "It's impossible. He's even more handsome than a male star. How can there be someone as perfect as you said? Someone so perfect." Those who have already gone on to become stars."

"What if you have money and don't need to be a star."

"You are rich, handsome, in good shape, and have good taste... Are you dreaming? According to the routine of idol dramas, doesn't this kind of man have to have a big company at home waiting for him to inherit it?"

The girl who was criticized was not convinced, so she took out her mobile phone, handed it over, and said, "That guy looked like a rich man. I even secretly took two photos. If you don't believe me, look at it! Who is bragging?" "

"Let's see how handsome he is." She snatched the phone, looked down and was dumbfounded, "This is..."

She suddenly stood up, as if her eyes were about to fall out of shock.

Several little girls were startled by her reaction, "What are you doing? You scared me to death. Don't say you know the person in the photo."

"I know you!" A girl danced excitedly.

"What, you know him?"

"Wacha, do you really know this handsome guy?"

"Who is he, your neighbor or your relative?"

The energetic little girl shook her head, restrained her excitement, pointed her cell phone at them, and said excitedly, "Li Beijue, this man is Li Beijue!"

Li Beijue...

A group of people's brains went blank for a few seconds.

There was no reaction for a moment.

The little girl holding the phone was about to poke holes in the photos on the phone. She couldn't suppress her excitement and said, "That's the president of the Li family chaebol! He always tops the list of the men he most wants to marry in the world every time!" Financial news often publishes news about him!”

She was not interested in financial news, but her idol had signed a major endorsement contract with a subsidiary of the Li Chaebol.

As a loyal fan, she went to check the information about the Li family chaebol on the Internet.

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