"The person hasn't gone over, so you don't know how to go out and look for him? What are you waiting for outside the hotel, waiting for me to come over?!"

"Sir, I'm sorry."

The last thing Li Beijue wants to hear right now is that he's sorry. Apologies are useful, so why do we need the police?

He put one hand on the steering wheel, calmed down, and commanded calmly with a cold face, "Immediately find a way to call up the surveillance cameras near Country Garden to check which direction the car drove after losing contact! I Come right now, speed!”

The positioning will disappear, but a car will not disappear for no reason.

There are still traces of birds flying over.

Not to mention such a big car!

He didn't believe that there were no clues!

It's just that these wastes have wasted so long, and they don't know what the specific situation is now.

Li Beijue frowned and hung up the phone.

Then he dialed Quan Dongting's number again.

The underground parking lot was so quiet that you could hear the beeping sound of his cell phone.

"Beep..." and the call was connected.

"Hello." The man's mature and steady voice came from the other end of the phone...

20 minutes later, Li Beijue had already driven outside the WE Hotel.

A man wearing a Korean mid-length windbreaker and suit jacket stood outside in a graceful manner. Who else could it be if it wasn't Quan Dongting?

Li Beijue opened the car door and got out of the car, walking straight towards him——

Quan Dongting was the first to speak after he came over, "Don't worry, I've asked someone to check. Chi Baobao and the others are fine for the time being. They should be hiding in the southwest area. I asked Haas to pick them up."

"Who did it?"

The muscles on the side of Quan Dongting's face were tense. He gave him a forbearing look and said lightly, "Besides that group of people, who else is there? Fortunately, Chi Baobei is smart enough and somehow got rid of the other party's tracking. Otherwise, …”

Otherwise, two hours would be enough for the other party to kidnap the person.

When Quan Dongting thought of this, a hint of murderous intent flashed in his brown eyes, and he clenched his fists tighter.

For the sake of his family, he has already released part of his profits, showing that he has no intention of monopolizing this business. Unexpectedly, those people not only gave up without seeing a good thing, but also dared to take advantage of it.

Not counting the attack on Enen before, I also want to attack Chi Baobao!

It is unbearable!

He had already bowed first, but since the other party didn't understand, he had no choice but to retreat.

Everyone has weaknesses, and according to the information he has obtained, that man is not just Os and his stepson...

Quan Dongting was not someone who showed his emotions easily. In a blink of an eye, he suppressed the anger in his eyes and turned to Li Beijue and said, "I have limited connections in country W. It's not that convenient to find people. So just now I gave Mr. Li a After making a phone call, Mr. Li probably knows about Chi Baobao now. With his ability, it is only a matter of time before he can find out the stakes behind it. Have you figured out how to protect Enen? "

The black network is not an ordinary force. Li Beijue wanted to protect Chi Enen, so he thought he would take the entire Li family to task.

Li Beijue agreed, but Mr. Li may not agree.

He is also the head of the family, and he understands whatever decision Mr. Li makes. Even if Mr. Li wants Li Beijue and Enen to divorce, he will understand.

But understanding is understanding, and he will not let En En be wronged.

"If you can't solve it, I can come and pick up Enen tomorrow." Quan Dongting stared at him and said, there was no oppression in his eyes, he was just a mature man talking to him about a real problem from a mature perspective.

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