Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2424 Will not divorce Chi Enen

As soon as he said this, Li Beijue's eyes suddenly darkened, and he refused without thinking, "I can't let you pick her up! She is mine!"

Quan Dongting was very dissatisfied that he discussed this issue with him in such an immature tone. He frowned and said, "I don't want to see Enen being wronged. You should understand what I mean."

"I won't let her be wronged! We are married now, and I won't let you take her away!"

Without getting married, he wouldn't let Quan Dongting take her away.

Even if Quan Dongting is Chi Enen's biological uncle!

He won't let Chi Enen leave him!

Li Beijue's eyes were sinister and he said in a cold tone, "Old man, I will solve it. I will not let today's situation happen again."

He said firmly. Although Quan Dongting knew that this matter was not as easy to solve as he said, he still frowned and did not say more to save face. Instead, he said, "I don't know when we will find them yet. How can you find them?" Tell Enen?"

"Wait another hour. If no one is found for an hour, I will call her and tell her that he is at your place. The old lady will take her back to stay for one night. If she doesn't believe it, let you answer the phone." Li Beijue was thinking. It was clear that he had already thought about this.

He said that Chi Baobao was going to Quan Dongting, and Mrs. Habsden was going to take him back to stay for one night. That woman probably wouldn't believe it.

But when Quan Dongting said this, the woman would at least be dubious.

He looked at the videos captured by the surveillance cameras and was sure that Chi Baobei and the others got rid of the following vehicle. Now it is certain that at least two people are safe, and it is only a matter of time before they are found.

As long as the person is found, Chi Enen will not find out even if he is lying.

Quan Dongting pondered for a moment and thought it was feasible.

After the two grown men finished talking about business, they had nothing to say.

Standing at the door of the hotel, waiting for someone to come back with news.

Fortunately, before Chi Enen's call came, Quan Dongting's people found Chi Baobei and the others.

Both Chi Baobao and Huo Yi looked a little embarrassed, especially Huo Yi, who had scratches on his arms. Chi Baobao was in better condition. Only his knees were slightly bruised, but his face didn't look good, he was pale and haggard, and he was obviously frightened.

Huo Yi saw him and immediately stepped forward guiltily, "Sir, I'm sorry. I failed to protect the young master."

"nothing dealing with you."

Li Beijue's gaze went beyond him and fell on the person next to him. Chi Baobao stood next to Huo Yi, with a pale face and traces of fear remaining in his eyes.

"Sir, the young master..." Huo Yi saw him looking at Chi Baobao. He was about to say that Chi Baobao was frightened because of what happened in the evening, so that he would not blame the young master for going out alone in the afternoon.

Before he finished speaking, he saw the stern man reaching out and pulling the pale young boy who was standing there, touching his thin lips and saying, "Follow me."

Why does your tone sound so cold!

"Sir." Huo Yi was startled. He didn't expect that he would really argue with Chi Baobao at this time, so he subconsciously stepped forward to stop him.

As soon as he stepped over with one foot, he was retracted by the man's cold eyes. He watched helplessly as Chi Baobao was taken into the hotel...

Huo Yi was immediately anxious and worried, and wanted Quan Dongting to help intercede. He also knew that Li Beijue's character was soft rather than hard, and he was afraid that Quan Dongting's help in speaking for Chi Baobao would make him even more angry.

Just stand there and worry...

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