Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2430 The flow of tenderness between father and son

at this time.

The man playing the game quickly logged out of his account and put away his phone, "Okay, let's go back."

"Oh, okay." Chi Baobei blinked, suppressed his admiration, and followed him obediently. As he walked, he turned his head sideways and peeked at him from time to time.

Why didn't he know that Lao Wang next door was so good at playing games?

In the past, Mr. Wang next door was not on the list of great players compiled by the system, and Mr. Wang next door had been unable to move up in Diamond 1. He thought that Mr. Wang next door was playing poorly.


Chi Baobao felt as if a cat was scratching his head. He wanted Li Beijue to teach him how to play with the monkey, but he was too embarrassed to ask Li Beijue how to match the inscriptions and outfits for the monkey.

He struggled all the way.

Downstairs of WE Hotel, Huo Yi has been walking back and forth several times.

Like Chi Baobao, he also changed into new clothes and ate something casually. Because he never saw Chi Baobao coming down, he was always on tenterhooks. I'm afraid that the two father and son, who both have arrogant personalities, will get into trouble.

As soon as he saw Chi Baobao coming out, he immediately greeted him, "Young Master."

Huo Yi looked Chi Baobao up and down, fearing that there were traces of being beaten by Li Beijue on Chi Baobao's body.

He checked the person from head to toe and was relieved to see that Chi Baobao was not only unscathed, but also had a rosy complexion, as if he had come out of the thrilling car battle in the afternoon.

Li Beijue saw all his little moves, a hint of displeasure flashed in his deep eagle eyes, he glanced at him, and said sternly, "Can I eat people?"

Damn it, what was his reaction? In his eyes, would he be stingy and care about a child?

What's more, that kid is still his and Chi Enen's son!

Huo Yi heard the dissatisfaction in his words, quickly lowered his head, followed him aside, and apologized to him, "I'm sorry, Sir."

"Be more careful next time!"

"Yes, sir." Huo Yi realized later that he had overreacted and apologized in shame.

He kept up with the man, and the three of them walked towards the hotel entrance.

Outside the door, the stretch Lincoln has been parked for a long time.

The driver has been waiting outside.

Seeing a few people coming out, he quickly opened the car door and said respectfully, "Sir, young master, please get in the car."

"Get in." Li Beijue asked him to get in the car first.

Chi Baobei raised his feet, and the broken skin on his knee felt painful as if it was being torn. His little face suddenly wrinkled up in pain, and he took a breath of cold air.


"Young Master." Huo Yi, who was behind them, saw it and was about to step forward.

I saw the domineering and cold man bent down, picked him up in his belly simply and roughly, and threw him into the car.

After Chi Baobao got up, he stretched his long legs and got into the car.

The entire set of movements was extremely smooth.

What's rare is that the young master didn't make any fuss when he was picked up by the prince, and was as quiet as a little quail.

He actually saw the tenderness flowing between father and son in this ungentle embrace...

Huo Yi was surprised that he thought so.


In addition to the lordship softening when facing the young lady, this was the first time he saw the lordship show a soft side to someone other than the young lady.

He pursed his lips and smiled secretly.

It seems that Sir Alex doesn't love the young master, but he just doesn't know how to express it.

The car window rolled down at this moment, revealing the man's noble and domineering profile. Obsidian eyes fell on him, he frowned and said impatiently, "What are you doing? If you don't get in the car, you are smiling like a thief." Like a chicken!”

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