Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2431 Only paying attention to Chi Baobao

Steal chicken...

Huo Yi couldn't laugh anymore. After all, he was considered a gentleman outside. The way he stole the chicken was so graphic. He clenched his hands into fists in embarrassment, put them in front of his mouth and coughed to relieve his embarrassment. Find a step for yourself, "No, Sir, you are wrong. I will get in the car right away."

With that said, he opened the passenger door and got into the car quickly.

As soon as he got in the car, the driver immediately stepped on the accelerator, and Lincoln drove in the direction of Country Garden...

in the car.

Chi Baobao has been peeking at the man sitting opposite her.

Lincoln has always been a luxury car famous for its large space and ample spaciousness. Li Beijue's car is a limited edition extended Lincoln.

It’s the same model that the president of country W sits in.

The car has a circular leather sofa, a bar, and a TV. It is completely like a small mobile RV.

Chi Baobao watched as he took out his mobile phone from the moment he got in the car and put it sideways. It looked like he was playing a game. My heart was itching like a cat scratching, and I wanted to lean over to take a look, but I couldn't keep my face down. He slowly jumped down from his seat and moved to Li Beijue's side. Li Beijue seemed to have not noticed his little movements, lowering his head and doing his own thing.

One large and one small, just playing and watching alone, living harmoniously and warmly downstairs in Country Garden.

The car drove into Country Garden.

Li Beijue put away his phone and gave Chi Enen the things that the system had sent to his account.

Chi Baobei watched the whole process, watching him turn the tide single-handedly, win the MVP championship of SOLO, and get the system skin.

While he was watching, he silently wrote down Li Beijue's outfit sequence.

He was about to get off the car, and he was still thinking about how his monkey outfit was different from Li Beijue's.


Huo Yi got out of the car first and opened the door for them.

Li Beijue got out of the car and did not go directly to the elevator. Instead, he waited for Chi Baobao to come to the door. He used his arms to hold the person down and then walked to the elevator with his long legs. .

As he walked, he turned his head and asked with determination, "Is your leg okay?"

Chi Baobao has such a high emotional intelligence. She immediately understood what he meant.

Lao Wang next door was asking him if his woman would notice the injury on his leg. If his woman finds out that his knee is injured, the lies he told before will be discovered.

Despite Chi Enen's confidence, Chi Baobao still had it. He patted his chest and said, "No problem."


Li Beijue stretched out his hand, half holding his hand, half supporting the weight of his body as he walked forward...

Chi Baobei has never felt that Country Garden has a home-style elevator, but at this moment, he is extremely grateful that the designer designed the elevator into a home-style elevator. This way he can save a few steps.

If they still lived in the demolition community like before, there wasn't even an elevator. By the time he climbed up the stairs, his knees would hurt.

Because there was an elevator, a door-to-door elevator that didn't require walking, it was much easier for him to go upstairs.

The elevator has just arrived.

The 'ding' door opened.

Then he saw his woman.

"Chi baby." Chi Enen took three steps at a time and walked up to them. During the whole process, he only saw the beautiful young boy in his eyes and didn't notice anyone else at all.

Li Beijue's face darkened.

This woman... didn't even look at him!

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