Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2453: You were bitten on the head by a sponsor when you went out?

Lin Anxin's back stiffened, her attitude was extremely bad, and she rolled her eyes without any image, "It's none of your mother's business!"

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Si Chen's mouth. He didn't feel angry at all when he was scolded. On the contrary, because she was furious, his eyes softened and said, "Lin Anxin, don't you realize that every time you curse someone, you care so much about it?" When something happened?"

"You're exposed."

This voice, this expression, is tantamount to crime.

Lin Anxin cursed in his heart, and understood why he had such a rich love history and so many famous ladies liked him.

Because this man is so good at seducing people.

When it comes to commotion, there is no one else.

It would be a lie to say that she wasn't excited. Lin Anxin could feel her heart being stirred. She pursed her lips and avoided Si Chen's burning eyes, neither admitting nor denying.

But she didn't know that there is a saying that silence equals acquiescence.

If she doesn't speak at this time, doesn't it mean she admits it?

Si Chen examined the rare lady opposite him, and a hint of surprise flashed deep in his eyes. He just saw her dress today from a distance, and he already thought it looked good. Looking closely now, you can see that she really put a lot of thought into it today. Her eye makeup is particularly beautiful. The pink and tender peach blossom makeup outlines the ends of her eyes, making her even more beautiful.

This woman originally had the kind of beautiful peach blossom eye shape. In addition, she was so good-looking to begin with. If she didn’t have plastic surgery to cut it out later, the ends of her eyes would naturally turn up. Another person would have such a long and narrow eye shape. , most likely gaudy. But she has a cheerful personality, and her own temperament suppresses the charm of her eyes, and she has the charm of a girl with the charm of a woman. She is very beautiful and has her own characteristics in the entertainment industry.

That's why he was attracted to her at first glance, and then she accepted him...

Si Chen remembered the first time they met, when he went up to strike up a conversation, and before he could finish his words, he was ridiculed by Lin An An, making him unable to stand down. He suddenly wanted to laugh.

He laughed when he wanted to. When he laughed, he felt much more relaxed and the psychological pressure was not so great.

"You were bitten on the head by a financial sponsor when you went out?" Lin Anxin was puzzled by his smile. She rubbed the goose bumps on her arms and asked with a frown.

The smile made her hair stand on end.

"No." Si Chen was in a good mood.

"Why are you smiling so obscenely if you haven't been bitten on the head by the sponsor? I thought you were on drugs." Lin Anxin frowned even more, looked at him deeply, and said suspiciously, "You... …Could he have bitten the financial owner?”

Si Chen's slightly raised mouth froze as expected when he heard her words, his temples jumped again, and he gritted his teeth and said, "The financial owner is a dog!"

Lin Anxin shrugged her shoulders very calmly, completely different from her ladylike attire. She glanced at the angry man who turned blue, pursed her lips and made her smile, "I know, so I asked you first if you are I was bitten by the benefactor, so I’m asking you if you bit the benefactor. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the order.”

when! Yes! have! ask! question!

Does he look like someone who would bite a dog?

Lin Anxin seemed to see what he was thinking from his blue face, and smiled even happier, "It's hard to say, don't you often dislike the sponsor? If you are provoked, you may bite the sponsor. One bite is possible.”

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