Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2454 She won’t eat you, but she will eat me

Si Chen Naoren was so angry at her that he laughed out loud, "I'm so angry that I'm most likely to bite you. If one bite isn't enough, I'll swallow you up one bite at a time!"

He shamelessly added the location, "On the bed!"

Damn it!

Lin Anxin is considered a thick-skinned person, at least thicker than Chi Enen. When she was still a little star, she often drove the yellow car along with the scene management and lighting on the set.

She can play whatever boys know how to play, and her mouth is more slippery than men's. But she is smooth-talking and very principled. It's not like no director has taken a liking to her before and explicitly hinted that he wants to help her take a further step in the entertainment industry. She declined them all, and after hanging around for several years, Si Chen fell in love with him and wouldn't let him go.

Lin Anxin looked like he wanted to drive back, but because they were in public now, he couldn't let go and accept his words.

Si Chen finally saw her deflated, and originally wanted to admire her more, but he knew Lin Anxin's character and must not make her anxious.

He regretted it, so he withdrew Chiguo's gaze and said more seriously, "My mother doesn't like ladies. She still prefers girls who are independent and have a bit of personality. I'll tell you the next time you see her. How to get along with her. She is actually very easy to get along with, but she suffered a little loss when she was young and is rather sharp in her views on some issues."

Lin Anxin didn't answer his words and pursed her lips, not knowing what she was thinking.

Si Chen knew her too well. Her serious look and deep eyes gradually darkened and became much sharper.

Neither of them spoke, but the atmosphere calmed down.

Fortunately, at this time, the waiter came over, took the menu, and bent over to hand it over.

"Sir, what would you like to drink?"

The calm atmosphere was suddenly broken.

Si Chen pursed his thin lips and took the menu without the waiter knowing it. He opened it without looking at it and said, "Blue Mountain, no sugar added."


No matter how slow the waiter reacted, he could tell that he had come at the wrong time, so he took the menu and left quickly.

With the waiter's interruption, Si Chen's mood stabilized slightly. He took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, stared at Lin Anxin, and touched his thin lips, "I know what you are thinking, I You don’t need to care about what mom told you, I’m a man, these are things I should consider! I will tell my mom, don’t even think about breaking up with me!”

"I didn't say I wanted to break up with you." Lin Anxin didn't expect that he could see through her thoughts, and she refused to admit it.

Si Chen stared at her face and said angrily, "You didn't say it, you wrote it on your face!"

It's even more irritating than saying it.

"Did my mother tell you about my family?" At first he thought that his mother was just chatting with Lin Anxin, but now he saw that he still couldn't get them to chat. No, something would happen as soon as they started talking.

"It's my problem, I didn't arrive in time. If I had known better, I should have had someone follow you to avoid anything going wrong."

When Lin Anxin heard this, she still couldn't hold it back, "I'm going to see your mother, not Boss Hei. Do you have a bodyguard? Your mother won't eat me."

She had heard Su Yijiu say so much before, but now her view of Su Yijiu had changed a lot, so she still spoke for Su Yijiu.

Si Chen looked helpless, "She won't eat you, but she will eat me."

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