Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2480 She can’t afford to pay!

"You're lucky, country bumpkin. We have more important things to do and we don't want to waste time with you. Tell me, how much does your crappy phone cost? Is thirty thousand enough?"

She took out a wad of money from her wallet, which was really thirty thousand in cash.

"Take it, take the money and get out, don't hurt your eyes here. The air has been polluted by you." She stuffed the money into Chi Enen's arms as if she was sending away a beggar, her expression looked very impatient. Impatiently, "Take the money and leave quickly, it's an eyesore."

At this time, the old housekeeper had already arrived.

Zhu Yingluo ignored Chi Enen and tightened her sleeves nervously. Han Wenwen also adjusted her smile, took a step forward, and greeted him, "Uncle Butler, long time no see."

The old housekeeper saw Chi Enen and was suddenly stopped by them. Seeing that Han Wenwen was here, he was a little surprised and said hello like a gentleman, "Miss Han, you are here. Come in quickly. Mr. Han is already waiting inside. You’ve been around for a long time.”

Seeing that he had stopped, Zhu Yingluo showed off to Han Wenwen in a low voice, "Cousin, I said the old housekeeper is here to pick you up, you still don't believe it."

Han Wenwen didn't expect that she was stupid enough to say it in front of others, and she regretted taking her out. Fortunately, her voice was not loud. Han Wenwen smiled awkwardly and was thinking about how to smooth things over.

The old housekeeper nodded towards them and said politely and distantly, "Miss Han, I have something else to do. You can go with the manager. The manager will take you to Mr. Han."

"Well, aren't you going to send my cousin there?" Zhu Yingluo blurted out subconsciously.

Han Wenwen's face changed and she yelled angrily, "Yingluo!"

How could she be so embarrassed!

The old housekeeper looked at her and said with a standard smile, "I'm sorry, Miss Han, I'm here to pick up my young lady."

"Young Madam?"

Not only Zhu Yingluo, but also Han Wenwen were stunned for a moment. They didn't know what the young lady in his mouth meant...

The old housekeeper walked around them, and in their disbelieving eyes, he walked towards Chi Enen who was standing aside. He bent down lovingly and said respectfully, "Young Madam. I called you just now, but I didn't get through. I'm worried. Come out and take a look, are you okay?"

Madam! is her!

Zhu Yingluo's eyes almost popped out.

Han Wenwen also looked like she couldn't believe it.

Chi Enen pinched the bridge of his nose and explained helplessly, "My mobile phone was broken, so I didn't receive the call. Did Grandpa wait for a long time?"

"The old sir is having tea with Mr. Han. The main reason is that I didn't wait for the young lady. I am worried. After the old sir heard about it, he asked me to come out to pick up the young lady, so that the young lady will not be unable to find a place later." The housekeeper liked Chi Enen very much, and he couldn't help but feel affectionate in his tone of voice. That was the tone that people would use when talking to friendly people, and it was completely different from the polite and distant tone he used when talking to Han Wenwen just now.

After he finished speaking, he noticed the money on Chi Enen and said in surprise, "Young madam, is this...?"

"The person who broke my phone will pay for my phone."

"This? Isn't the young lady's mobile phone specially customized by the young master? One of them costs one million. With all due respect, I can't afford to pay this little money."


Zhu Yingluo's expression changed constantly and could not be described as ugly.

Her ears were burning hot now, as if she had been slapped hard, and they kept buzzing.

The country bumpkin... turned into a Habsden daughter and the young lady of the Li family chaebol!

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