No one cared about her pale face. The old housekeeper was still saying, "Is this money a total of thirty thousand? The reinforced film on the screen of the young lady's mobile phone is more than this amount. Couldn't she see that this mobile phone is from HOER? ?"

This time, not only Zhu Yingluo, but also Han Wenwen's expression changed, as if she had been slapped hard in the face. The way she looked at Chi Enen changed, full of scrutiny, comparison, and deep jealousy.

Her throat seemed to be clamped, and she couldn't make any sound. The blood in her veins almost flowed backwards because of embarrassment.

It was normal for Zhu Yingluo not to see the value of that mobile phone, because the Zhu family had little money in the first place and was nothing more than a distant relative of their family. She opened a small company on the back of their family's reputation. Zhu Yingluo was just thick-skinned and sweet-mouthed, and she liked to hang out at their house since she was a child. She knows how to please her mother and shamelessly calls her cousin. One of them is named Han and the other is named Zhu. How could they be direct cousins?

Zhu Yingluo is nothing more than the daughter of a young nouveau riche who has never seen much of the world. But she is the orthodox bloodline of this generation of the Han family and the daughter of the Han family. She didn't see the brand of the phone and Zhu Yingluo didn't see it were completely different concepts.

"The materials of this mobile phone were personally selected by Sir Alex Ferguson, and the program inside was researched by the young master. Apart from these, HOER no longer produces mobile phones. This mobile phone also has collectible value, and it costs at least 300 yuan. Ten thousand."

three million!

Zhu Yingluo's legs were nailed to the spot, and her originally pale face was now even whiter, so white that it was almost transparent.

She knew best how many pounds their family had. If her parents found out that she broke a cell phone worth three million, they would be surprised if they didn't beat her to death.

Zhu Yingluo could no longer be arrogant. In extreme panic, she subconsciously looked at Han Wenwen next to her, grabbed Han Wenwen's sleeves, and her hands turned white from nervousness and fear, "Cousin...cousin, you have to help me. ...I didn't mean to break her phone, it was her who took your parking space first, so I..."

Han Wenwen didn't expect that she would dare to drag her into the water and be embarrassed with her at this time. Her lips were trembling with anger and she wanted to push her away and give her two slaps.

"Let go."

"...Cousin, you won't ignore me, will you? I did it because of you...for you..." Zhu Yingluo is just a little girl, and now she is in big trouble again. She is scared to death. She doesn't know how to see or use her hands. She tightly grasped Han Wenwen's sleeves, so hard that her clothes were deformed.

Han Wenwen had never been so embarrassed before. She glared at Zhu Yingluo and told her to let go several times, but she refused to obey and trembled with anger. "Yingluo, calm down and let go first."

She was going to be mad at Zhu Yingluo, and she made up her mind not to take Zhu Yingluo out to socialize after her return, no matter what her mother said.

No matter how angry she was, she knew that now was not the time to get angry, so she could only hold back her efforts, take a deep breath, and comfort the frightened person, "Yingluo, if you don't let me go, how can I help you solve it? Be obedient and let go first.”

God knows how much she wants to give Zhu Yingluo a slap in the face now. She has failed to succeed but has failed more than to expose her. She is embarrassed and doesn't know that she is carrying it, and she has to drag her in in front of the old housekeeper of the Li family.

"Cousin..." Zhu Yingluo was already frightened. When she heard her soothing voice, she felt like a person walking in the desert getting water, and her eyes were red.

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