"What do you want grandpa to say to me? Just tell me directly." Chi Enen regards Mr. Li as his family, and family members don't need to be so tactful when speaking.

Mr. Li has seen too many storms in his life, and he can see Chi Enen's attitude at a glance. Just because he saw it, it was even harder for him to say what he said next. But no matter how hard it is, I have to say, "Yes, yes, I hope you will announce to the public that you and Bei Jue are divorced."

Yes, I hope you will announce your divorce to Bei Jue...

When this bombshell dropped, the old housekeeper was the first to be shocked and couldn't react. He asked anxiously, "Sir, did you call your marriage a divorce?"

"No, I'm very sober." Mr. Li had no intention of taking back his words. He stared at Chi Enen with complicated eyes and said with difficulty, "I don't have a problem with you, but I have to do it for the sake of the Li family." Don’t make this decision. I don’t know if Bei Jue has told you something..."

Chi Enen had been able to calm down a little from the shock at the beginning. When she heard Mr. Li frowning and hesitated to speak, she immediately understood what Mr. Li meant, "Grandpa, are you talking about the black network?"

"You know?" Mr. Li looked a little surprised.

He didn't expect Chi Enen to know. He thought that with his grandson's character, he would never tell Chi Enen such a dangerous thing.

Chi Enen nodded, calmed down a lot, and spoke in words, "Yes. Li Beijue told me, and I have found some myself. I'm sorry, grandpa, for causing trouble to the Li family."

Her bright eyes were full of sincere apologies, which made Mr. Li look a little embarrassed. He turned his head away and avoided her starry eyes. The veins on the back of the hand that was placed on the dragon-head crutch were bulging, and you could see his forbearance, "...you are also a member of the Li family."

The old butler didn't know what was going on, so he immediately took a step forward and said excitedly, "Sir, you said so, why do you want the young master and the young lady to divorce? You know how much the young master likes the young lady."

When Mr. Li heard this, he pursed his lips. His deep contours were not as tough as before, only deep tiredness remained. "I know, that's why I said I was announcing my divorce to the public."

He emphasized the word "external".

The old housekeeper was stunned for a moment, then leaned over and asked uncertainly, "What do you mean, Sir, you are just announcing the divorce to the public, but not actually getting divorced?"

Mr. Li glanced at him with a cold expression, but he still answered, "Otherwise, do you think I want to break them up? I'm not that hateful."

The old butler lowered his head a little, glanced at Chi Enen, and still asked without giving up, "But Sir, why did you suddenly make such a decision?"

Mr. Li looked at Chi Enen with his bright eyes. On his elderly face, he could vaguely see how handsome and attractive he was when he was young. He reached out and touched the coffee cup in front of him. After the old housekeeper waited patiently for a few minutes, he slowly said, "Because Jing Chen was almost kidnapped."

"The young master was almost kidnapped?"

"..." Chi Enen was equally surprised. She had been kept in the dark by Chi Baobao and Li Beijue, and she had no idea about it.

Seeing her surprised expression, Mr. Li knew that Chi Enen didn't know, and his expression softened a little, "Two days ago, Jingchen was almost kidnapped by a group of unidentified people outside Country Garden. Fortunately, Huo Yi responded in time and took Jingchen with him. Got rid of the car chaser.”

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