Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2490 Give her a day to think about it

Chi Enen suddenly remembered that she couldn't get through Chi Baobei's phone call that night, and then Li Beijue went out to look for someone. After a while, Chi Baobao was brought back. The two of them said in unison that they were secretly following her uncle on a blind date at the WE Hotel. Later, she called her uncle to ask, and his uncle also helped them cover up their lies, so she believed Chi Baobao's lie about being at the WE Hotel at night.

If Mr. Li hadn't been looking for her, she wouldn't have known that Chi Baobao was involved in a car chase and kidnapping that night.

"The group of people were armed with guns. In order to protect Jing Chen, Huo Yi's arm was scratched by the opponent's bullet. Jing Chen's knee was also scratched." Mr. Li did not mean to accuse.

But every time Chi Enen heard a word, his heart felt like it had been hollowed out, and the wind howled through it, biting the bones. She couldn't help but clenched her fists on the table, and she didn't even notice how exposed her emotions were.

She didn't expect that night to be so dangerous, more dangerous than she imagined.

The person in danger is her baby Chi.

She would rather she be in danger than Chi Baobao or Nono.

"I made this decision not only for the Li family, but also for Jingchen. He is the only son of the fourth generation of the Li family, and I don't want him to be in any danger. Well, can you understand my decision?" Mr. Li Look into her eyes, word by word.

In his entire life, Mr. Li has asked for opinions for the first time before making a decision.

Even he himself didn't know why he asked Chi Enen.

Chi Enen looked in a daze, and her fair face looked a little pale, not knowing whether it was because of fear or something else. She pursed her lips in a stubborn arc, and it took a long time before she squeezed out a sound from her dry throat, "Grandpa, can you give me some help?" Can I take a day to think about it?”

When the old housekeeper heard this inside story, he didn't know which side of the two sides to persuade. He could only stand aside and look anxious.

He doesn't want either party to compromise, and he also likes one party to compromise.

This is so contradictory.

But the current situation is so contradictory.

Chi Enen didn't know how he said goodbye to Mr. Li, left the golf club, and drove the car to the gate of Chi Baobao's school.

School is about to end.

After the bell rang, students in school uniforms filed out of the teaching building.

Chi Enen waited outside for more than ten minutes. Most of the students came out, except for her Chi Baobao.

She couldn't help but look inside, trying to find her baby among the crowd.

Chi Baobei's people didn't see her, but two long, white and tender little girls approached her. They raised their heads shyly and called out sweetly and cowardly, "Auntie, are you the mother of classmate Chi Jingchen?"

Chi Enen looked down and saw two cute little lolita with ponytails. Thinking of Nono, his eyes softened, he knelt down, touched the tops of their heads, and said softly, "Yes. Who are you?"

The two little lolita looked at each other and said sweetly, unable to hide their joy, "We are Chi Jingchen's classmates. We saw you when aunt came to pick up Chi Jingchen a few days ago. Are you waiting for Chi Jingchen?" Chen?"

Before Chi Enen could answer, he heard a young noble voice coming from the side, "Woman, what are you doing?"

The two little lolita immediately turned around and saw the handsome young man walking behind him with a schoolbag on his back. Both of them blushed and stammered their greetings, "Chichichi...Classmate Chi Jingchen."

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