Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2491 Chi Baobao looks for foreign aid

Chi Baobao has already walked in front of the three people. He has started to grow taller recently and has grown a lot. He is standing and Chi Enen is squatting. Chi Enen already needs to look up at him.

Chi Baobao ignored the two blushing little girls in front of Chi Enen, and his black eyes that were exactly like someone's fell on Chi Enen, and he frowned, "Woman, why didn't you tell me when you came to pick me up? "

Her baby Chi really looks more and more like someone as he grows older, especially his aura.

Chi Enen stood up, faced his reproachful gaze and said, "I just happened to stop by. When I came, it was your class time and I didn't send you a message."

Chi Baobei frowned, as if she was suspicious of something, then relaxed her grip for a moment, and coolly handed her the schoolbag on her back, "Remember to tell me next time, it doesn't matter what time the class is. You are more important than class."

Anyway, he just came to school to check in. Did she think he had to seriously learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within 100? Or, there were chickens, ducks and rabbits in a cage. The farmer covered the cage and calculated the cage through his exposed feet. Is there such an idiotic question as how many chickens and rabbits there are?

Chi Baobei ignored his two female classmates next to him, opened the car door, and turned around to urge Chi Enen, "Woman, let's go home."

Chi Enen also wants to go back and think about it carefully. She turned around and took out two lollipops from nowhere, gave one to each of the two little girls, smiled and said, "Auntie is going back, so you should go home early. This is for you."

The two little girls each took a lollipop, and they were both very happy, "Thank you, auntie."

"Thank you, aunt."


"Goodbye, aunt."

Chi Baobao’s school is not far from Country Garden, less than ten minutes’ drive away.

As soon as Chi Baobao returned to Country Garden, he immediately put on his big slippers and walked to the living room holding his schoolbag.

"Baby, drink a glass of water first and then go play." Chi Enen thought he was going to sneak into the room to play by himself again, so she reminded him aloud.

Chi Baobao has fallen back, and there is something more in his hand.


Chi Enen looked at the velvet box in front of him and stretched out his hand, "This is..."

"A small gift." He said coolly, but in fact, there was anticipation and nervousness in his eyes.

Chi Enen slowly opened the box and saw a beautiful diamond necklace lying in the velvet box, so pure and beautiful.

"Next month is your birthday, and this is the birthday gift I prepared for you in advance." Chi Baobao's tone was uncomfortable, and her beautiful face was full of awkwardness, "This is not expensive, you can wear it as you like. Wait for me next year Save more money and buy you something better.”

This diamond necklace was worth tens of millions anyway, but he still didn't think it was good enough.

Chi Enen was so moved that she didn't know what to say. Her heart was so full that she could only suppress the surging emotions in her heart by squatting down, opening her arms and hugging him tightly...


Chi Baobao watched Chi Enen until she fell asleep, then quietly closed the bedroom door, ran back to the living room to find her mobile phone, found the phone number she had memorized, and called -

The phone beeped once and was picked up.

"What's up?"

It was Li Beijue's voice.

At this time, it should be three o'clock in the morning in Country Y, and everything should be completely silent.

He actually picked up immediately.

Chi Baobei walked a little further, making sure that the people sleeping in the bedroom could not hear her before stopping. He clenched his cell phone with a serious look on his face and said, "I think something is wrong with my woman."

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