Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2506 Peeping at Chi Enen with jealous and uneasy eyes

At the end of the red carpet, Kim Zhiyuan and Kim Zhixuan were still waiting there.

As soon as they came over, Jin Zhixuan immediately greeted Chi Enen in a friendly manner, "Well, long time no see."

"Long time no see. You've returned to China. Why didn't I know? Where's Mr. Huo?" Chi Enen has a good impression of Jin Zhixuan. They had played together in Mauritius before. After getting along, she found that Jin Zhixuan was a very interesting person and had no airs.

Jin Zhixuan was very happy with Chi Enen's attitude towards her, and said with crescent eyes, "The plane just arrived yesterday. So I didn't ask you to play with An Xin. Lei Lei has some things to finish, so he will come over later."

Jin Zhiyuan looked depressingly at her sister who was chatting happily with her love rival beside her. She was so depressed that she couldn't let go. She glanced at the noble and handsome man with her narrow and beautiful eyes, and raised her full red lips, "Tonight, Mr. Isn’t Master coming?”

"It's enough for me to come."

Jin Zhiyuan crossed her arms, said 'oh' and said clearly, "So you have officially taken over the Li family chaebol?"

Without waiting for Li Beijue's answer, she raised her eyebrows again and said disapprovingly, "It shouldn't make any difference to you whether it's formal or not. Anyway, you have made all the decisions of the Li family in the past two or three years. But this circle loves to talk about names. Well, after tonight, I will rely on Mr. Li to take care of my Media Asia International. If you have any advertisements for the Li family in the future, remember to contact me. I have many celebrities, both men and women. I can find whatever you want, including shemales. come out."

She is telling the truth. There is a real shemale artist in her company. She used to be a man, but now she has become a super beautiful woman through surgery.

It's very popular now.

"There is no need for this at the moment." Li Beijue rejected her coldly.

Jin Zhiyuan rolled her eyes at him and muttered, "It's boring. I've helped you so many times, but you don't repay me. Is that okay?"

"Ms. Li has a perfume commercial to shoot. If you want, I can give it to you."

Jin Zhiyuan's expression that had been lazily just now suddenly brightened up. She stood up straight and said with great interest, "What perfume? Come on, let's go in and talk."

Han Wenwen arrived ten minutes later than Jin Zhiyuan and the others. As soon as she entered the splendid hall, her eyes immediately searched inside.

After finally finding the man she wanted to see, she found that she couldn't get in at all. She immediately pursed her lips and looked gloomy.

Zhu Yingluo was no longer with her today, but Han Wenwen's identity was there, and soon other celebrities took the initiative to chat with her, and she was also drawn into the circle of celebrities. However, she seemed absent-minded and looked towards Li Beijue from time to time.

But her focus was not on the handsome man, but on Chi Enen, who was chatting happily with Jin Zhixuan next to Li Beijue!

The look in her eyes when she looked at Chi Enen was extremely complicated, with struggle, jealousy, and a bit of nervousness and uneasiness...

Even the girl who brought her here to chat noticed her weird behavior today and couldn't help but pat her shoulder and followed her gaze, "Wenwen, who are you looking at? You've been absent-minded since just now. You didn’t even respond when I talked to you. Um...are you looking at Mr. Li?"

The direction Han Wenwen was looking at was Li Beijue and Jin Zhiyuan. A normal person's first reaction would be to think that she was looking at Li Beijue.

The man turned around and patted her shoulder in a comforting manner before he hesitated and said, "I remember Wenwen, you seemed to be very close to Mr. Li in the past... Hey, it's a pity that after you went abroad, Mr. Li got married. Forget it. Forget it, don’t think about it, there are so many good men, there is always a better one.”

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