Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2507 I have been absentmindedly waiting for someone.

The man was just talking, and his eyes were full of sympathy when he looked at her.

It's not easy to find a man like Young Master Li. Han Wenwen almost touched Madam Li's position with one hand, but was cut off halfway. It's even worse than people like them who had no hope from the beginning.

People, sometimes you have to learn to accept your fate!

It doesn’t matter if someone comes from an outstanding family and is beautiful, it doesn’t mean they have lost.

Of course, Han Wenwen could feel her sympathetic gaze on Chi Guoguo, and the hand on her side clenched involuntarily, "I didn't think about it, but you were overthinking it."

"Okay, I'm overthinking it. By the way, Xiaowen, are you free next week? My brother wants to invite you to dinner."

Her brother?

A glib playboy appeared in Han Wenwen's mind, and a trace of boredom flashed in her eyes, "Next week, I may not be free next week. You know I have just returned to China, and my family has arranged for me to join the company. I have a lot of things on hand. Only Another day.”

"Then I'll make an appointment with you some other time when you're free." The man smiled sweetly and held her arm. The girl said coquettishly, "You don't know how much my brother likes you. Last night he told my mother to let her set up a match. You guys. I also want you to be my sister-in-law. If you are my sister-in-law, I will definitely like you. We can often make appointments to go shopping together and travel abroad together~"

Han Wenwen didn't like the way she raised her head and spoke to her intimately, but since everyone was in the same circle, it was hard to speak too harshly. Speaking too harshly could easily offend others, "Well, it depends on fate. "

The girl who was covered in gold could tell that she really liked her. Seeing that she didn't refuse, she immediately promoted her brother with a smile on her face, "You two are destined. If not, my brother would not fall in love with you at first sight. Don't listen to the outside world. Those people are talking nonsense. My brother is not as carefree as people say. He used to be carefree because he never met anyone he liked and was just playing outside. Now that he has met you, he will definitely not be the same as before. My mother and I told him, and he also promised to break up with that female star, so you can just be my sister-in-law..."

Han Wenwen was almost bored to death by her. She had something on her mind and didn't even listen to the chirping in her ears. He kept staring in the direction of the door, as if waiting for someone to come.

Damn it, why haven't you come yet?

Han Wenwen's nervous palms were sweating, and there was still the girl's chirping noise in her ears. It was the first time that she was so upset, and she wanted to yell at the people around her to shut up.

"Xiaowen, do you agree? Xiaowen..."


Han Wenwen was finally distracted and gave her an absent-minded look.

The man didn't notice her little movement, shook her arm, and said in a sweet voice, "Can you just be my sister-in-law?"


"Just promise me to be my sister-in-law. Otherwise, just promise me to give my brother a chance. Okay?"

Han Wenwen was tired of dealing with her entanglement and was about to explicitly reject her. At this moment, she saw two more people at the door from the corner of her eyes. Her words of rejection turned into a perfunctory, "Okay."

The girl didn't expect that she would let go. She jumped up in surprise, "Really? You really agreed?"

"Well, let's talk about it another time." As long as you don't bother her now, everything will be fine.

The girl was overjoyed and quickly agreed, "Okay, I will tell my mother that you agreed when I go back today. Let her make an appointment with auntie another day."

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